It’s Christmas Eve!
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  1. #1
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    Default It’s Christmas Eve!

    Happy Christmas Eve everyone

    Is anyone still working? If you are, have a good day and just count down the hours till you finish

    I’m having a lazy morning and haven’t even got dressed yet! Our grandson is due here soon so it’ll all get a bit chaotic then. He’s been so excited, counting down the days. I’ve set up a hot chocolate bar for him with cream, marshmallows, flakes and sprinkles so we can all have hot chocolate this morning. I did it for him in the summer, but with ice cream and he loved making us all sugar laden sundaes. The sugar rush lasted for hours

    If I don’t get chance to do it tomorrow, I’ll wish you all a Merry Christmas now. Our plans might be different this year and we might not get to see everyone we want to, but I hope everyone has a good day and enjoys time spent with those they can spend it with. Take care and Merry Christmas to you all

  2. #2
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    Merry Christmas Mouse thank you for your morning posts.

    I went to town at 8am this morning and it was quiet so was able to get finished quickly.

    I'm a little worried how ahead of the game I appear to be makes me think I have forgotten something. Oh well it can't be that important.

    Have a lovely Christmas everyone and stay safe xxx
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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  4. #3
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    It's a strange one this year. I was just saying to DH that because we haven't been able to do a lot of the normal Christmas stuff it doesn't really feel that Christmasy yet. Even stuff that we moan about, like having to travel to see my family (the travel is a chore), or going to see nativity plays, church services etc. Tonight we are going to go on a walk to see the Christmas lights a couple of streets away from us and we're going to try and turn it into a bit of an occasion, with chocolates etc.

    Mouse, your hot chocolate bar sounds lovely. Such a lovely memory to make.

    Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without family dramas though would it? Even though we cannot see them in person... DH's mum was diagnosed with dementia earlier this year and it has got to the point where she needs to be in a care home for her own health and safety. DH is trying to organise it for her, but she lives in a different continent, so it is complicated enough, and she is refusing to accept that she needs to move. One of the brothers is agreeing with her and so there are lots of heavy conversations going on at the moment which are gradually getting a bit heated. My mum was booked in for the covid vaccine last week but changed her mind at the last minute - out of fear. Apparently 5 of my siblings have been giving her a hard time about her refusal to have it and one sibling agrees that she shouldn't have had it (bit of a covid denier) and I respect her decision whatever that may be, so there are some tensions brewing on our family Whatsapp.

    Anyway, I need to go and get into the Christmas spirit. Enjoy Christmas eve everyone. x

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    Happy Christmas everyone.

    I was planning a lazy morning, but had to pop to church at 8.30 to have a quick play with the sound system for Midnight Mass. Came home and went back to bed!

    It's been snowing ( but not quite settling ) but sky is blue now, so we're off for a walk and out for lunch. We usually go for a walk at the beach, but as all restaurants are takeaway only at the beach, we're going local!

    Home after that to prep veg and cook ham for tomorrow.

    Have a lovely day everyone xxx

    And also, a big thank you to Mouse also from me, for the daily posts ... definitely kept me sane through the madness of 2020. Love to everyone and dreaming about meeting up in real life one day!

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  7. #5
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    I had to get the spare room ready for DD2 coming for xmas as tier 4 rules mean she can’t go to dads in Yorkshire. Prepared veggies and made pigs in blankets and stuffing for tomorrow. Then had a 6 mile walk with DD2. Then back to do a quiz with the relatives that can’t meet up now. Made some mulled wine to have whilst we did it. Good fun. Now waiting for our curry before we play a game. Then off to bed xx



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