It’s the weekend
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  1. #1
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    Default It’s the weekend

    Welcome to another wet and windy weekend! It’s a bit grim out there today so it’s a good job I’m not planning on going far.

    I’ve got a couple of training courses I need to be getting on with so I’m going to plod on with those today. I usually try to avoid doing ‘work’ at the weekend but these are things I need to do without the distractions of children so I’m happy to sacrifice one of my days off to get them done. At least they’re all done online so I haven’t got to physically go anywhere. Having said that, I do miss catching up with other childminders at training sessions. With some of them, it’s the only time we see each other in person and it’s lovely to have a natter.

    DH is excited to go out and buy his Christmas TV guide today! Does anyone else still buy one? He goes through it highlighting every he wants to watch, telling me times and dates (as if he thinks I’ll remember them!). I know when we were younger TV viewing was a big part of Christmas. There’d be a film on in the afternoon that we’d all sit and watch together and various Christmas specials that we’d not want to miss. Maybe it’s because I don’t watch much Tv at all these days, but none of it really interests me now.

    Enjoy whatever you’re doing this weekend...hopefully having a rest before the final push to the Christmas holidays! Only 4 working days left for me

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    Last night was my turn to choose the Christmas movie (after DH's disastrous choice the night before). I picked 'Last Christmas'. Have you seen it? We LOVED it. It did have some 'a'list' actors in it, compared to the usual 'd list' actors that you see in Christmas movies, so you would expect it to be good. Even with the sound track, Mouse, I'm sure you would enjoy the movie.

    I've just been into town. Only Marks and Spencers was open when I got there, everything else opened at 10. I needed to go to Marks though so it worked well. By lunchtime there were queues to get into most shops - even the charity shops. I ticked some things off my list, but not everything. I can't face going in again, but I really want to support the high streets. I honestly cannot imagine/remember how we coped before Amazon. Do you remember looking through catologues (Kays?) and putting in orders?

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    Hi Its really dark, grey and wet here too. I have done a bit of housework this morning cleaning/washing etc. The dog has been to the groomers this morning to have a bath and nails clipped etc. I am now going to doing a bit of wrapping and have a few cards I need to write. I am planning on watching the Mulan later the new version, I have seen a lot of mixed reviews so will see.

    We don't but the TV guide anymore with everything being online now but to be honest we don't watch much TV and on Christmas Day we don't even put the it on. The only thing I like to catch up with is Call the Midwife.

    Hope your courses are going ok Mouse, I know what you mean about catching up with other childminders. I haven't seen any of our local ones for such a long time we used to meet up at the local park/beach etc but that's all stopped. We do 'talk' via messenger especially if one go us has a problem but it's not the same and I think it's good for the children to have the opportunity to mix with others.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend x
    Pixie Dust

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    What a grey miserable day!

    DD had a dance class this morning, so after that we went a HUGE Asda on our way home! DD kept wanting to buy things that she's getting for Christmas, so I had to keep putting her off! It was busy, but OK. However ... at home, putting the shopping away, I realised I'd forgotten to buy any more mincemeat! So I'm not baking mince pies this afternoon as planned!

    I'm missing meeting up with other minders. I've bumped into one on a walk and we walked together as easier than not, but it's been so long, that the children didn't really remember each other/us as they are young ( or new! ). When I did my first aid it was just lovely to meet real people and chat; albeit in masks across a room.

    I love getting the TV guide .. if only so I know what not to bother watching! We don't have anyway of recording anything, and only iplayer etc to catch up on, so I like to know when it might be on again.

    Enjoy your day Mouse and stay warm and dry everyone xx

  5. #5
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    Lazy day today. Just felt I needed it for some reason. Had a flu jab at the doctors today. They phoned and asked if I wanted a free one. Felt quite special till I got there and the was a queue half a mile up the road all waiting for a jab😂. I’ve knitted some xmas decorations for a couple of friends too, something I’ve always meant to do but never got around to it. Chinese take away for tea and a nice glass of wine tonight. Enjoy the weekend everyone



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