I’ve only got 2 children coming today, so it’ll be a nice quiet day for me!

The weather’s looking good so far, so we’re going to go out for a walk this morning. I’ve made a simple map to follow and we’re going to mark off ‘places of interest’ - traffic lights, trees, the shop, the library etc. I’ve chosen that particular route because I know we’ll pass a couple of house that are decorated for Halloween. The owners always make a big effort with decorations, so I went by last night just to make sure they have this year! I’ll take the iPad with me and the children can take some photos.

This evening DH and I are going out for tea. Last Christmas we were given some pub vouchers as a present and they need using by the end of the year. We were going to use them towards a family meal out, but then realised that if we just use them ourselves, we’ll have enough for a couple of meals

Have good days everyone.