I didn’t end up getting baking ingredients yesterday, so I won’t be baking today. My waistline will thank me

One of my sons has had a work meeting cancelled so we’re going to go for lunch instead. There’s a nice retreat nearby that we like to go to so we’ll probably head there. We normally go for a walk round the grounds then find a comfy sofa in the coffee lounge and sit there for ages, eating a healthy lunch followed by a very unhealthy cake!

This evening I’m going to nip to town for a few Halloween bits and bobs for next week. Somewhere I’ve got an old plastic cauldron that I get out so the children can make ‘potions’, but I looked for it yesterday and can’t find it anywhere. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get one in town.

I know some of you like reading, so have you got any recommendations for good books? I’m nearly through my pile and need to get some more. I don’t like historical dramas, but I’ll try most other genres. I’ve just finished The Phone Box at the Edge of the World and The Chain. Very different books, but both very good.

Have good days everyone.