’s cold out there this morning. I only nipped out to the bin but my feet were freezing. I’m going to have to think about swapping my flip flops for slippers!

I only have 3 year olds on a Monday and I do enjoy having just one age group. It’s simple things like being able to leave the scissors on the craft table. I don’t do that when the 1 year olds are here, but I do like the 3 year olds to have free access to them. I always used to like having babies here, but now I definitely prefer the 3 and 4 year olds. I would like to get to the stage where I’m only taking on nursery aged children and having them for a year before they go to school, but the mums keep having a babies and asking me to have them!

Has anyone got any exciting plans for the week? I ended up having a busy weekend and haven’t really thought about what we’ll be doing this week. I haven’t really planned anything so I’ll be winging it and looking for inspiration along the way