What a wet and miserable morning. I have another child leaving today and had planned another party with outdoor activities - a treasure hunt, a picnic, some races. I lay in bed listening to the rain and replanning it all for indoors!

I have to say, I’m quite looking forward to getting back to some sort of normal from next week. When I reopened after lockdown all the children were on shorter hours and fewer days and they were swapping days as and when needed. One was only here temporarily and one was just doing odd days until she started school. It all felt very disjointed and haphazard. From Monday we”re back to set days and set hours and I feel as if I can get back into planning properly and having more of a routine in place. Now I just need more children to fill the empty spaces!

I hope you all have good days and manage to dodge any rain showers if you’re out on school runs!