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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Tuesday

    Good morning everyone.

    Has everyone done their Self Employed grant claim? I'd forgotten about it this morning until DH reminded me. He said if I'd forgotten it I can't be that desperate for the money. If only that were true! Anyway, the whole process took all of 3 minutes, so very quick and easy.

    It's another damp morning here. The rain has stopped for now, but it keeps coming back. One of the children has come without a coat which might prove tricky. I do keep spares here but she's very big for her age and I don't think any of the ones I have will fit her. I'm going to have to have a hunt round and see what I find instead. There are some plastic halloween capes in the dressing up box, so I might have to get those out. Luckily I wasn't planning on going further than the garden.

    Is anyone watching anything good on TV at the moment? I've been watching the first season of Line of Duty so now that's finished I might find the others to watch. I know I've seen a later season, maybe 4, so I'm planning on catching up on the ones in between. Other than that I don't seem to have anything regular to watch.

    Have good days everyone. I hope it stays dry wherever you are!

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    A lot of people are mentioning 'Fall' (or The Fall) as something good to watch. I haven't seen it myself.

    Last night when I was walking Cookie he did a wee/scent marked on someone's border plant on the side of the pavement. I am honestly a very considerate dog owner, obviously I clean up number twos very thoroughly and I always start his walks off in a place where he can get his business done in an area which doesn't belong to anyone. Anyway, the man who lived at the property opened his window and started shouting and swearing at me. I was mortified at both him and my dog. All I could do was apologise politely until he eventually slammed his window. I didn't encourage my dog to do it and generally try and give him a gentle tug if he lifts his leg near people's flower beds but this was one time when that didn't work. I don't blame the man, it happens to us lots too with other people's dogs. I feel a bit down about it today though, as I don't like conflict and he probably thinks I'm one of the people who lets my dog do number twos all over the local area without cleaning it up - and that just isn't true. Oh well, I'll just have to put it down to experience and try much harder with the dog.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

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    good morning!

    I've just put in my SEISS claim too.... so very easy! ( if only doing tax return was that easy! )

    drizzly day here.... I need to go and do a bit of weeding in the garden and I might do some sorting out of stuff! ... i had loads of activities/crafts lined up for the holidays, and now I don't need 2 weeks worth, but equally, some of them were to use/do whilst out and about, and as i'm not going to be driving for a bit we're going to be limited to home!

    My bubble in my eye has gone, and now my eye is just a bit blurry round the edges ... but i don't know if that is aftermath of surgery, result of eye drops I am still using or a mixture! from what i've read, I could have a blurry eye for a few weeks or even months! Seeing my consultant in a couple of weeks, so hopefully i'll find out a bit more then!

    I haven't found anything to watch on tv Mouse! I haven't been able to get into anything! I was watching a bit of 'Vera' ... but the cast don't match my imaginings of the characters and so i can't watch it!

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    Maza it’s very hard to stop a dog weeing or scenting anywhere. As long as you clear up number 2’s that’s all you can do.maybe this gentleman thought your dog was doing more than a wee /scent? . Give where he lives a wide birth.

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    Mouse is that the second government grant? The one saying if you have lost money from the 14 th July? I was going to do it then decided not too though I have lost a lot of money more so before July.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Mouse is that the second government grant? The one saying if you have lost money from the 14 th July? I was going to do it then decided not too though I have lost a lot of money more so before July.
    Yes Dragonfly, the second government grant. Why have you decided not to claim it if you have lost money? That's what it's there for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post

    I haven't found anything to watch on tv Mouse! I haven't been able to get into anything! I was watching a bit of 'Vera' ... but the cast don't match my imaginings of the characters and so i can't watch it!
    Oh, I love Vera. It's about the only thing DH and I will sit together and watch.

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    Maza, poor you being shouted at like that.

    One of my boys was in the front garden last week and a woman walked by with her dog. It stopped and weed right up the front of his car! She was very embarrassed and apologised. He just got a jug of water and swilled it down. He said the dog was huge and there was no way she could have pulled it away once she realised what it was doing!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh, I love Vera. It's about the only thing DH and I will sit together and watch.
    I think if I hadn't read the books first, I'd enjoy it!!!,.
    But it's like the Hobbit ... i 'grew up' with 'my' hobbit, and lovely as Martin Freeman is, he's just not Bilbo! Although I do like Ian McKellens Gandalf! I have the same problem with a lot books that get put on TV. The only ones that don't bother me are all the Agatha Christies and assorted Poriots/Marples etc!

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    I think if I hadn't read the books first, I'd enjoy it!!!,.
    But it's like the Hobbit ... i 'grew up' with 'my' hobbit, and lovely as Martin Freeman is, he's just not Bilbo! Although I do like Ian McKellens Gandalf! I have the same problem with a lot books that get put on TV. The only ones that don't bother me are all the Agatha Christies and assorted Poriots/Marples etc!
    Ah yes, I know what you mean. I haven't read any of the books so don't have that problem.

    Have you ever read any of the James Patterson, Alex Cross books? I saw one of them as a film before reading any of them, so when I did read them I read them all in the voice of Morgan Freeman as he played the main character!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Ah yes, I know what you mean. I haven't read any of the books so don't have that problem.

    Have you ever read any of the James Patterson, Alex Cross books? I saw one of them as a film before reading any of them, so when I did read them I read them all in the voice of Morgan Freeman as he played the main character!
    OOO, I've read lots of the Alex Cross books ... I didn't know there was a film ... hmmm, I can see Morgan Freeman as Alex ... I might have to give them a try! Just googled ... another chap played him in another film, and he 'looks' right in my mind ... Thank you

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    Mouse decided not to do second grant as I lost more money March - July . This grant says if you’re lost money from 14 th July and haven’t lost so much from July 14 th.



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