It's a bit cold out there this morning, but I'm sure it'll warm up nicely once the clouds have disappeared. We're going to head out into the garden as soon as all the children have arrived and before it gets too hot. One of the children I have today really doesn't like hot weather and gets very grumpy if it's too warm so we'll make the most of the cold start to the day.

Today I'm going to get the children to paint some butterfly pictures which I'll laminate and hang up outside. I'm not sure how well it'll work or how long they'll last, but I've got a bare fence along one part of the garden and thought it would be a good way to brighten it up - an outdoor art gallery We often have a display indoors which the children help to make, but I've never thought of doing one outside before.

Last night DH and I decided we'd go out for something to eat and take advantage of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme. Obviously everyone else in the country had the same idea as we couldn't book a table anywhere! I knew it was a popular scheme but didn't realise quite how busy everywhere would be. We've decided we'll go next week instead, but will make sure we get booked in well in advance.

Have good days everyone