Happy Tuesday everyone!

It's quite cold here this morning, but the sun is shining and the sky is blue so I'm hoping it'll warm up a bit as the day goes on.

Do you remember near the beginning of lockdown I'd planted some vegetable seeds in my new trug? It was my first attempt at growing veg. Well, this morning we've harvested the first crop of french beans! We've got a bowl full so will be having them for dinner this evening. It's very exciting

Just my one toddler here again today, so a quiet day for me. I've decided that I'm not going to take anyone else on now until September and will enjoy a quiet August. I've already got some September starters signed up but was (half-heartedly) looking to fill some of the odd days sooner. Having thought about it though, I decided I'd enjoy my 3 day week for another month

Have good days everyone and have fun, whatever you're doing.