Good morning Monday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Monday

    That weekend seemed to go very quickly. When I woke up this morning I had to convince myself it was Monday as my mind was telling me it was Sunday

    Yesterday I went into the garden to water my veg, then ended up staying out there for hours, moving stuff round, painting fences and chopping back more trees. I ache so much today and have got popped blisters on my hands from using the saw. I’m much happier with how it looks though, so it was worth it. Today I need to go and get a few supplies to finish it off but then it should be done for the summer. Do they still sell Radox bath salts? Does anyone else remember the boxes you could buy? I don’t know if they do those anymore or if it’s just the bottles of bubble bath now. Either way, I’m going to get a muscle relaxing bath soak so I can ease my aching muscles

    Has anyone got any nice plans for the week ahead? I’m still only working 3 days at the moment but really need to think about moving back up to 4. I’m enjoy my days off too much though

  2. #2
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    Morning, I don't really plan too much just go with the flow but this week is the last week for one of the little ones moving on to school in September so I am hoping to go out for a picnic Wednesday weather dependant. Happy Monday everyone
    Pixie Dust

  3. #3
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    Gosh Mouse, you're a grafter!

    I'm going to venture into town today. I've got to return some jeggings which we ordered online for DD and i want to return a library book that DD took out just before lockdown. I'd love a little browse in some shops too, so we'll see how brave I'm feeling and how busy it all is.

    We are expecting a delivery from Dunelm today of some new curtains for DD's bedroom and our bedroom. The curtains we are currently using were from the previous owners and have certainly seen better days. Don't know when the curtain poles will arrive though, so we won't be putting up the new curtains just yet.

    Rainy day here so far.

  4. #4
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    Good afternoon all!

    drizzly cold day here. It's my day off and I was going to go for a walk, but instead I decided to have a lie in - i woke up about 8, and then got a cup of tea and went back to bed with my kindle! actually got up at about 10.30 when finished my book! All through lockdown, when I wasn't working, I still tended to get up with DH at about 7 ( even if i did go back to bed to read when he left for work! ) as I felt I ought to support him going to work ( not that he minded me NOT getting up ) and now I'm back at 4 days, I'm missing having time to just do nothing and potter on my own!

    I've also been waking at silly o clock and getting up, and after a busy weekend, i just needed a rest!

    I've been to the library! oh the joy of new proper books to read !!! and I've also been doing a bit of planning/sorting for the holidays! We're going to have a go at some of the Pawprint Family badges, starting with 'bee challenge' as we've got bees in the garden and lots of different bees visiting. I then like the look of the Teddy Bears Picnic. What i liked is that, they suggest activities, and how many different age groups should do, we are basically assessing ourselves, so when we think we've learnt about bees, I'll order the badge, and will sew it on a blanket or bag or something! i haven't quite decided yet.

    hope everyone has had a good day x

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  6. #5
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    Oh loocyloo your summer activities sound perfect. It's a lovely little website that you recommended. The other day I logged into the Wanderlust course again and was thilled to see that she had added new activities. I hadn't realised that she would be doing that as I had already downloaded the certificate a few weeks ago. So I read through them and now can't wait to make some thunder cake the next time we have a storm - I know we don't have to actually wait until we have a storm, but it's such a cute idea.

    Well I went into town today. I got DD a few bits from H and M and then had to queue for almost 40 minutes! I was so grumpy. They had one person on the till for a store which is huge. The poor girl was dealing with everything, including returns etc. DD doesn't like one pair of the trousers and so I will have to return them. Hopefully they will have more people on the till when I next go.

    I also went to the library loocyloo but we weren't allowed to browse - just return our books or collect orders. Apparently we can browse from Monday next week.

    Our curtains have arrived. They are a bit paler than we would have liked but hopefully we can jazz them up a bit with a nice tie back.

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