Can you believe it’s the 1st of July already?

We’d normally be on a countdown to the summer holidays now. Sports days, leavers’ assemblies, graduations, proms...there’s a lot not happening this year.

One of my parents messaged me this morning to ask if I was taking a week off in August like I usually do. I hadn’t really thought about it until now. Are any of you taking annual leave this year? I definitely would if I’d been working all the way through lockdown, but I’ve just had 12 weeks off so don’t think I want more time off, especially as I don’t charge for my holidays! I don’t think I’ll want to go away in August so it seems daft taking another week off just to stay at home.

Any exciting plans for today? I’ve got 2 children here and we’re going to make a birthday card for one of the other children. They don’t live close enough for us to deliver it on foot so we’ll take a walk to the postbox. I know they’ll squabble over who’s going to put it in the postbox so I’ve got another letter for the other one to post. Anything to avoid a meltdown at the postbox

Have good days all