Good morning Tuesday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Tuesday

    After spending most of last week complaining that I was too hot, this week I'm complaining that it's too cold and I've had to put a cardigan on You just can't win! I'm taking government advice and leaving a window open for ventilation, but it's bloomin' freezing

    I've just got one child coming today. Mum messaged me earlier to say they're running late so I've managed to get some washing on the line and get some paperwork printed off. I had thought about using that hour to have a coffee and do some online shopping, but decided I'd do something more productive instead

    The child I've got coming today is very low maintenance. She's happy doing her own thing so I set out various toys I know she likes and let her take the lead. At the moment she's really enjoying books, so we'll probably spend a lot of the day reading. When she was here last week she found one of her favourite books, which I realised was a library book. I thought I'd taken them all back before lockdown, but this one had obviously slipped through the net. Now I need to wait until libraries can open again before I go and sneak it back in

    Have good days everyone. Stay safe and stay warm

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  3. #2
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    Have a good day Mouse.

    Our library is opening at the weekend HURRAH!
    We've had a busy morning so far playing with the farm and lots of scooping in the sensory tray, just having a snack and then going outside.
    It is a good 10° cooler today than last Tuesday!

    Have fun xx

  4. #3
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    Love your emojis Mouse!

    I suddenly came down with a streaming cold yesterday evening. Today I feel terrible. I think I've got a blocked tear duct and my eye is watering and aching. I'm bathing it constantly. Just drinking a lemsip now and hoping that I'll feel better once it's kicked in. I just want to get back in bed right now though. My poor puppy is desperate for me to play with him, but I just can't right now.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

  5. #4
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    Hope you feel better soon Maza. I have two here till lunchtime then another one will arrive. We have done spellings, been for a walk in the woods in the pouring rain and played twister. We made up a story using something one of them said and all added a bit in turn. Lunch now then they start going home again.Its raining quite heavy here but still warmish.

  6. #5
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    Good afternoon

    No children here today so I thought we would be proactive and get ahead on home learning. I was wrong 2 meltdowns later science is completed.

    It appears to be a nice day here the sun is shining so trying to get the washing hung out and dried.

    Hopefully geography and electronics will be completed this afternoon without me needing to change colour and resembling the hulk

    Maza get well soon x
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

  7. #6
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    hope you feel better soon Maza.

    It's overcast and sunny with occasional drizzle. Mindees are playing in playroom and chatting ... if they realise I'm watching/ listening they stop and just sit there!

  8. #7
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    Get well soon Maza

    It actually warmed up nicely here as the morning went on so we had a lovely play in the garden. I've spotted a couple of bumble bees hanging around lately so we were following them and trying to find where they were nesting. One of them sat on the backdoor for ages before flying away. I told mindee it was telling us to go indoors and leave them alone

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  10. #8
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    Hope you feel better soon Maza

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