After spending most of last week complaining that I was too hot, this week I'm complaining that it's too cold and I've had to put a cardigan on You just can't win! I'm taking government advice and leaving a window open for ventilation, but it's bloomin' freezing

I've just got one child coming today. Mum messaged me earlier to say they're running late so I've managed to get some washing on the line and get some paperwork printed off. I had thought about using that hour to have a coffee and do some online shopping, but decided I'd do something more productive instead

The child I've got coming today is very low maintenance. She's happy doing her own thing so I set out various toys I know she likes and let her take the lead. At the moment she's really enjoying books, so we'll probably spend a lot of the day reading. When she was here last week she found one of her favourite books, which I realised was a library book. I thought I'd taken them all back before lockdown, but this one had obviously slipped through the net. Now I need to wait until libraries can open again before I go and sneak it back in

Have good days everyone. Stay safe and stay warm