It’s my busy day today - 2 children instead of just the one I do think this enforced break has made a lot of childminders realise how hard they actually work. How many of us normally do long days with the maximum number of children and end up exhausted by the end of the week? Of course, that’s not even taking into account the out of hours training, preparation, planning and paperwork. I know a lot of childminders who are using this opportunity to reassess how they work and trying to strike a better work/family life balance.

What have you all got planned for today? It’s another minded child’s birthday today (one who’s not coming back yet) so we’re going to make him a birthday card this morning and drop it round. He only lives a short walk away so we won’t be venturing too far. His mum has made some cupcakes so we’ll do a socially distanced exchange of card, present and cake

Have good days everyone