Is anyone planning to go shopping today now that they can reopen? I imagine the queues will be huge so I’ll be interested to see how it actually works. I feel sorry for the shop workers having to deal with it all.
DH is convinced we’re heading for a second spike, but I’m not so sure. People have been flouting lockdown rules for a while now but numbers of infections and deaths are still dropping. I hope it means we’re heading out of the pandemic although that may just be wishful thinking.

Do you know many people who have had coronavirus? I know one person who tested positive and who was quite ill. They didn’t need hospital care but they were very unwell for a couple of weeks. I also know one family who thought they had it but that was before testing was available. They’ve since had antibody tests that confirmed they did have it. Then I have another friend who has had a positive antibody test but didn’t even know he’d had the virus. He was quite ill in February with what he now knows were coronavirus symptoms but that was way before it was identified in the UK. He says either that was it or he’s had it more recently but with no symptoms. It’s all a bit strange!

Anyway, has anyone got any exciting plans for today? The weather is miserable here so I’m going to have a cosy day indoors.