It looks like the weatherman was right...the rain has started! How typical is that? So many of us were planning to spend a lot of time outside with the children and, while a bit of rain won’t stop that, I bet it’s not quite what most of us had in mind I put the gazebo up at the weekend so we’d have a bit of shade from the sun. Now I’ll be using it as a shelter from the rain

As I was cleaning the bathroom this morning it got me thinking about all those people who stockpiled toilet roll before we went into lockdown. I wonder if they got through it all or if they still have rolls piled up around the house Is there anything you stockpiled then found you didn’t need, or anything you wished you’d stocked up on when you had the chance?
I wished I’d bought more Dettol spray. I’ve always used it to disinfect the toys at the end of the day and when we first went into lockdown I used it to spray anything that came into the house (post, parcels, bags of shopping etc). I have got a tiny bit left but would like more now that I’m going to be having children back again. It’s still impossible to get hold of though so maybe I should have bought more when I could.

Sewing Bee tonight...the highlight of my weekly TV viewing!

Have good days everyone