It’s the weekend!
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  1. #1
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    Default It’s the weekend!

    I guess this will be the last ‘free’ weekend for many of us before starting work again on Monday. Since being in lockdown I’ve completely lost the ability of knowing which day of the week it is. I’m hoping that’s a skill I’ll get back once I’m in a proper routine again

    This morning my main job is to give the kitchen a blitz. I’ve realised it’s not as child friendly as it was before lockdown so I need to get it back to it’s normal state - alcohol out of sight, cupboard locks put back on and everyone’s junk cleared off the sides. I’ll also get the children’s beakers back out of the cupboard and give them a soak in Milton.

    Then I’ll be nagging the family to tidy all their stuff away so I can reclaim my childminding room. It has been lovely being a family home rather than a childcare setting and being able to leave out things that would normally be packed away. It’s made me realise how much of our family life is taken over by my work. Not that I’d change it - it’s just been nice to have a break from it for a short while

    Have good weekends everyone.

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  3. #2
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    I am giving the house a good clean today too as I have had the week off, then tomorrow I plan on relaxing ready for Monday morning but may be distracted and end up sitting out in the garden with a coffee .
    Pixie Dust

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  5. #3
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    I’m back next week but I’m having this weekend to myself as it my birthday tomorrow. Work will have to wait x

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  7. #4
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow Sylvia.

    I'm having to do a bit of a tidy up too .... it looks like I may have a couple of children coming back next week after all, and at the moment, I am totally and only set up for the children I currently have! so I need to sort things out and move things! The 3.5 yr old I have, has enjoyed having all the 'big kids' stuff freely available but with the new ones coming back, it is going to have to be played with on the 'big' table, not the little tables! And I'm going to need to fish out a couple more ride ons for the garden! as only got 2 out currently ( sometimes you need a trike, and sometimes you need a tractor! )

    I also need to put together some activity/craft kits. .... When i sent all the parents my re-opening blurb/policy etc, i put at the bottom of the email, that i was getting a new craft kit ready, and if they would like one, to let me know! .... unsurprisingly, the couple of parents who rarely read emails, have not responded! so, i feel a bit mean ... but they won't get a craft kit! one of the mums ... her best friends children also come to me ... and i know she'll put on facebook or where ever, that they love Loocyloos craft kits and will show pictures ... and then either that mum or I will get a stroppy message to ask why they didn't get one !!!! although ... I might actually message those that have yet to respond, to ask them if they saw my email !!!! 'cos i do love my minded children and don't want them to miss out just because they have dozy parents! i know one mum has seen that i've sent an email ... just hasn't looked at it!

    BUT ... the sun is shining and i think that actually, i'm just going to sit in the sun with my book !!!!

    and a ( because i'd forgotten how much the happy banana makes me smile !!!!

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  9. #5
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    I think people should definitely take time to enjoy themselves this weekend. I was reading an article yesterday that was basically saying that now is the time to press the reset button and think about getting rid of the excess workload as much as possible. I know some of you have been working throughout lockdown. I am hoping we can all achieve a little more of a work/life balance, at least for a little while after lockdown.

    It will be interesting to see how the schools get on next week with more pupils back. DD's school is delaying the year 6 return for another week.

    Yesterday we made some ice decorations by putting wild flowers/petals in cupcake cases with water and freezing them. They are beautiful. We have hung them up on the trellis outside and they are glistening in the sun and dripping away as they slowly melt. I'd love a paddle the sea right now.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone.

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  11. #6
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    I hope you had a lovely birthday SylVia.
    It was DH bday too.
    We went out the house in the car for the first time since lockdown ( he is voluntarily shielding), just a tootle in the car in the hills and a picnic in total isolation on a remote hill, I wish we had done this earlier as we saw no one but we have just been too scared. We have a couple of walks we do through our field where we know we never meet anyone, but this was so exciting to see the world beyond our local fields and woods. I took plastic shields, masks, gloves, hand sanitiser, soap and water and a towel......just in case, we might have broken down, or some other wild mad scenarios! I am a little neurotic at the moment and am not going to change my pattern much for another few weeks as statistics in The Telegraph , where I put my post code, said that our area has not reached it’s peak yet. The local doctors had to close last week and deep clean after someone there had I am alert and ready to zap the minute I see it!
    We had a home delivery from a restaurant called Cote, somewhere we always went with friends when we lived in the Midlands, so they suggested we ordered and then zoomed whilst eating, as if we were there was such good fun, we had a Fizz FaceTime first in the garden whilst we finalised it and then met up online an hour later.
    He’s had the best birthday lock down so far.
    The sunshine has finally reached us.
    Your water art sounds lovely Maza, I was thinking if you hang them over some flowers they could water as they drip. I might have a little go today.
    I’ve done a lot of sitting in the sun with a book Loocyloo, so much so that I can see dust on most surfaces in the house, but I don’t care, before lockdown you would never see dust but I have chilled so much in the garden, the house has got neglected a little, but it’s only us that sees it!
    Our stable neighbour has hens and ducks in her yard too and I had an emergency 6.45am call asking for help to revive a chick which had managed to fall into a bucket of water. She left it on my doorstep in a towel and I popped it in a basket on top of the Aga...then watched it for two hours, the longest hours ever....but it warmed and dried and I had just turned to watch a news item and she popped up on top of the basket and jumped on to the floor....full of beans! She had gone from flat out looking dead to giving us the run round in the kitchen. We made her a box bed that she couldn’t jump out of and kept her warm until lunchtime , we left the box on the doorstep and she was reunited with mother hen....but the next thing was trying to get in the duck pond she has...I think she thinks she is a duck! A happy ending interlude to our now very similar days.

    Back out in the sunshine today, though a little more wind than yesterday.
    Take care everyone as the world starts to open up.

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