We had another family quiz last night set by one of our boys. I think he forgets we’re not all as brainy as him so the scores were quite low! It’s my turn to set the next one so I need to come up with questions that everyone’s actually got a chance of getting right

For my birthday recently I got a vegetable planter, but hadn’t been able to get any compost for it, due to lockdown. One of my other sons managed to get some yesterday so I’m going to set it all up today. I’ve been growing some seedlings I got from M&S when they were giving them away as a promotion, so I’m going to put those in first - beetroot and peppers. Then I need to decide what else I want to grow and see what I can actually get. I’m not very green fingered so need to start with something simple. I’m thinking carrots and onions. Any other suggestions?

Have good days everyone and stay safe