Once again I woke up this morning not knowing what day of the week it is. It’s starting to frustrate me a bit now so I think I need to bring some routine into my week. I have a rough routine during the day and that works well, but every day is the same and I’m missing variety through the week. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to do it but it’s given me something to think about!

Last night we had an online family quiz, which was fun. It was good having everyone together even if we were in different houses! I am grateful that we live in a time when technology makes it so easy to keep in touch.

Today’s plan is to sort out my wardrobe. It’s so full I can hardly fit everything in, but then I only seem to wear the same clothes over and over again. I’m hoping to find some forgotten treasures that have been hidden away, though whether I’ll still fit in them is another matter

Have good days everyone and stay safe