New Years Resolutions
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  1. #1
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    Default New Years Resolutions

    So ..... do you make resolutions?
    Do you keep them?

    In the past I've started tap dancing again, and tried to catch up with old friends ... still dancing each week and caught up with as many old friends as I wanted ... except one who just doesn't seem to want to see/talk to anyone from before she went to Uni!

    I can't remember any other resolutions from other years.

    This year I want to learn to crochet (particuarly those cute little amigurumi animals). I'm also going to start regularly donating to local food bank, rather than when I remember.

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    Your post prompted me to look at previous posts about resolutions.

    In a 2015 post I said that I would like to do a local 5k run - because it is obviously good for the health and also to set a good example to my DD. I was really chuffed when I read that, because I started my local 5k Parkrun and it gradually became a whole family thing. It was such a good feeling realising that I actually stuck to a ny resolution!

    I also said that I wanted to watch more frivolous tv, instead of just serious stuff. We have done that and it has helped us chill out.

    This year I want to pay more (genuine) compliments to people - friends, family and colleagues.

    I want to find two recipes that work and get added to our list of regular meals.

    This December I have made a point of joining in with my daughter whilst she did her daily arts/craft advent activity. Previously I tended to set them up as a way of occupying her (sounds awful, but you know what I mean). We have both enjoyed me joining in and being 'present' and so I want to continue that. Not daily of course, but as and when we can.

    Good luck everyone!

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    Maza I have just read that post in it I said I woukd like to get fitter took a couple of years to get around to it but today I ran 10k for the best time so feeling proud of myself. I genuinely back in August thought running 1km was going to be the end of me.
    I would like to make more time for myself sounds selfish but other than a run (and ds sometimes comes with me) or asleep I feel I have always got to think of others needs before my own.

    Loocyloo great you have started tap dancing again
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Fussy that's amazing! Well done!

    Do you listen to music as you run?

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    Well done you two. And FussyElmo... I think that is fantastic too. I am in awe.

    I too read old threads to see what I said! ... 6 or 7 years ago I wanted to do my foundation degree ... moving house/resettling etc etc happened and now, I have no wish to do it at all!

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    That's funny loocyloo! Thank goodness you didn't spend the money doing it. Out of interest, why don't you want to do it anymore?

    Also, I remember one of our New Year posts from last year where we talked about washing someone out of your life if you do the laundry on new years day...have I remembered it correctly? I haven't done any laundry today because of that lol. I really should have done though because I'm back in work tomorrow.

    I thought it was you would wash all the good luck away. Well I have washed so let's see.
    Last edited by FussyElmo; 01-01-2018 at 07:07 PM.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    That's funny loocyloo! Thank goodness you didn't spend the money doing it. Out of interest, why don't you want to do it anymore?

    Also, I remember one of our New Year posts from last year where we talked about washing someone out of your life if you do the laundry on new years day...have I remembered it correctly? I haven't done any laundry today because of that lol. I really should have done though because I'm back in work tomorrow.

    Goodness ... I've done lots of washing today!

    I don't know exactly why I don't want to do it ... I'm still passionate about early years & childminding but I guess I can't see what benefit I would get apart from self satisfaction. I've never had any plans to do anything else, other than childmind, and whilst I'm always reading and finding new ideas/ thoughts, I don't have any ambition to go further. I think, before I moved, a little bit of me fancied setting up a nursery, but now I think it would be a financial disaster what with poor funding levels and living in a rural area. Plus, I REALLY like working on my own and can't be doing with the hassle of assistants or staff!
    I'm busy running round after my children and as they have got older, my time to do things for me/in peace has lessened as their activities take up the evenings. ( I need to find 6 hrs to do the online part of my first aid course and am struggling! )
    Maybe... thinking 'outloud' ... I'm more 'secure' and 'confident' in what I do, and don't need to 'prove' myself. Probably linked to where I'm living now, as I used to live in a very 'keeping up with the Jones' area, but now I don't!
    Gracious! That was a long reply!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    Fussy that's amazing! Well done!

    Do you listen to music as you run?
    Oh yes I like my music though I have learned not to play really quick music as I tend to pace myself to the music
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Well done peeps on keeping resolutions. I don't tend to. I think I may say 'yes' more to invites. I tend to say 'no' a lot as I like my quiet evenings but I might try 'yes' more. I'll keep you posted.

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    I don’t think i made any resolutions last year and if I did I didn’t keep to them. This years is going to be to stop saying yes to one parents wishes as it was beginnng to make my life as chaotic as hers. I started it today and it felt surprisingly good. Apart from that I want to get fitter this year as it’s my big 60 birthday in May and with s new grandson coming in April too there’s going to be lots of photos.

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    My New's Resolution is to de-clutter every single cupboard and drawer and I started with my childminding paperwork last week and managed to condense 4 big lever arch files and a wicker basket full of stuff that's either out of date, not necessary or available on the internet, down into 3 A4 folders that now fits out of sight in the filing cabinet.

    We are planning on renting out our house to go travelling in 2019 and so need to start ditching things that just get shoved into piles or into cupboard and drawers rather than dealt with at the time.

    I've given a months notice that I'm not working on a Friday from end of January so will have Thursdays & Fridays off and also let the parents know that I am giving up completely from Sept 18, rather than Sept 19 as was my original plan to see the children through to school, so parents are now looking for Nurseries for Sept.

    I will keep my registration open and think about being a self employed part time Nanny - I want my house back and want a job that I don't have to think about in my own time.

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    You’re all much better than me at keeping resolutions
    Mine usually are weight related , and making more time for family who live further away

    This year my main resolution was heath related , and I’ve made the first step of booking a doctors appointment. Like so many of us I’ve just been plodding on , and putting my aches and pains down to age and hard work. But I need to get checked out ..
    And I want to get out and about more with Ds. He’s 11 and other than Saturday mornings football match would happily spend all weekend in his room chatting over Xbox with his friends and attached to his iPad. I’m shattered by the weekend and have all the usual chores to do , so I’ve been taking advantage of that , but actually it’s no good for either of us. We need to have some fun and make memories!

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    Quote Originally Posted by hectors house View Post
    My New's Resolution is to de-clutter every single cupboard and drawer and I started with my childminding paperwork last week and managed to condense 4 big lever arch files and a wicker basket full of stuff that's either out of date, not necessary or available on the internet, down into 3 A4 folders that now fits out of sight in the filing cabinet.

    We are planning on renting out our house to go travelling in 2019 and so need to start ditching things that just get shoved into piles or into cupboard and drawers rather than dealt with at the time.

    I've given a months notice that I'm not working on a Friday from end of January so will have Thursdays & Fridays off and also let the parents know that I am giving up completely from Sept 18, rather than Sept 19 as was my original plan to see the children through to school, so parents are now looking for Nurseries for Sept.

    I will keep my registration open and think about being a self employed part time Nanny - I want my house back and want a job that I don't have to think about in my own time.
    Wow HH exciting times!
    Making the decision is a huge step isn’ It? I made a decision to finish and then a parent moving meant it made sense to bring it forward, which I am so pleased happened now.
    What a great time you are going to have planning it all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    Your post prompted me to look at previous posts about resolutions.

    In a 2015 post I said that I would like to do a local 5k run - because it is obviously good for the health and also to set a good example to my DD. I was really chuffed when I read that, because I started my local 5k Parkrun and it gradually became a whole family thing. It was such a good feeling realising that I actually stuck to a ny resolution!

    I also said that I wanted to watch more frivolous tv, instead of just serious stuff. We have done that and it has helped us chill out.

    This year I want to pay more (genuine) compliments to people - friends, family and colleagues.

    I want to find two recipes that work and get added to our list of regular meals.

    This December I have made a point of joining in with my daughter whilst she did her daily arts/craft advent activity. Previously I tended to set them up as a way of occupying her (sounds awful, but you know what I mean). We have both enjoyed me joining in and being 'present' and so I want to continue that. Not daily of course, but as and when we can.

    Good luck everyone!

    just catching up on some forum threads.

    This year I want to pay more (genuine) compliments to people - friends, family and colleagues.

    Maza this is really lovely, what has made you say this! Most resolutions tend to be about ourselves...

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    Haha mumofone, I don't really know what made me have that resolution. I guess the older I get the more reflective I get. I have lost touch with so many people these last few years - mostly through Geography and just lifestyle - that I feel I need to nurture relationships more to keep them strong. I have read quite a few 'thoughts of the day' type of thing and the ones that stick in my mind are things like 'Be the reason someone smiles today'. I know how I always feel when I get an unexpected genuine compliment, and I realised that I am not someone who naturally gives out compliments.

    Since Christmas I have heard lovely things being said about three of my colleagues by other colleagues. I keep thinking "Oh, I must let them know what so and so was saying about them in the staffroom, it will make their day!" I haven't though, I keep forgetting. Maybe I'll message them tonight!

    Maybe it's a selfish resolution - to make me feel better about myself, lol.

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    Well ... Finally ... my resolution of the last 5 or 6 years has finally happened ... I met up with my old 'long lost' friend!

    And tomorrow I'm going to a class to learn to crochet!

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    Quote Originally Posted by loocyloo View Post
    Well ... Finally ... my resolution of the last 5 or 6 years has finally happened ... I met up with my old 'long lost' friend!

    And tomorrow I'm going to a class to learn to crochet!
    loocyloo how many 'long lost' years was it since you saw your friend last?

    I'm meeting a friend in May who I haven't seen/spoken to in 18 years (but both occasionally updated by a 3rd friend). A lot of water under both bridges since then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BallyH View Post
    loocyloo how many 'long lost' years was it since you saw your friend last?

    I'm meeting a friend in May who I haven't seen/spoken to in 18 years (but both occasionally updated by a 3rd friend). A lot of water under both bridges since then.
    About 12 years since we'd seen each other, and about 6 since I'd last heard from her. A mutual friend had seen her about 6 years ago and then, the only news she had was via parental friends, and we presume vice versa!

    it was like we'd never been apart though! Good luck with meeting up with your old friend xxx

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