Hi All

Just messaging to let it all out - not a lot anyone can do.

DD who is 6 has numerous intolerances and a couple of months back started to have runny poo and blood in her poo. This then became double incontinence.

She was seen by our drs who sent her as an urgent case to the paeds at the local hospital who took some blood and we've since had the results back that she has also now developed an allergy - she goes back to hospital on 5th Dec to start the exclusion process to find out what it is. In the meantime she's been put on meds to try and assist with the double incontinence and has ended up back in pull ups.

Today I got a phone call from the school to advise she had started bleeding from her bottom again and could I take her back to the Dr. She has tonight seen the Dr who having spoken to her specialist have doubled her meds in the short term until the 5th Dec when she goes back and after testing her urine found it to contain blood and protein. Dr's are now concerned that she may also have some form of kidney disease so that also needs looking into.

They have allowed her home for tonight to be monitored until 5th Dec but if she deteriorates in the meantime then she is to go straight in. They have said as well they are looking at having to knock her out to put cameras in her to check for Chrons disease and I*****. Feel so sorry for her as she is only 6 - wish I could take it all away for her. She however is taking it all in her stride and is still smiling xx

Swan xx