I am 28 years old and have 2 little girls (4 and 1). I have been in an admin role since I graduated from uni 6 years ago and it has been ok but it is not my passion. It has suited while I've had my girls but after going back to work the second time I realise im wasting my life being there as im starting to hate it. The only thing that has stopped me moving on in the past is that it is fairly well paid and they have accommodated me with working hours (I work 3 days a week). I really would love to childmind and realise it's hard work but I love working with children and miss my own! At the moment I get £1000 a month after tax but pay £500 out to childcare. My husband is the main earner and his money just about covers bills and mortgage etc but literally only just! so we do really need me to be earning a minimum of £500 a month. I know it's hard to say but does this sound achievable? Im so frightened of going from a fixed wage to the unknown but I don't want to waste my life being miserable in my job. I have considered childminding in the past but our old house was short on space - we have just moved to a bigger property with a lovely playroom. Also is there a way to find out the demand in my area - im in the north west (I know there are 6 childminders doing drop offs / pick ups at my daughters school). I've struggled to find one but I needed one for both girls (in fact im still on a waiting list and family are helping out short term!) Any advice . tips . words of wisdom would be much appreciated thanks in advance