Well... not necessarily for new childminders... all childminders might benefit from reflecting on their interview techniques and thinking about how to attract and retain new business.

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A lot of childminders find interviews challenging. Here are some interview tips from established childminders -

• Before parents are due to arrive brush your hair, clean your teeth and put on a clean top - yes, I know it’s obvious but if you arrange an interview during the working day you might need to spend a moment on personal grooming.
• Tidiness is not essential - children make a mess - but cleanliness is! You need to present your home and garden as well as possible. Put out some appropriate toys for the age of child who is coming to visit and introduce them to current children to help them feel at home and comfortable.
• Watch the child with their parents - this will give you a valuable insight into how they are likely to settle in the initial weeks.
• Breathe before answering to give yourself a moment to think before blurting out something best left unsaid!
• Don’t share confidential information about children and families who currently use (or used to use) your provision.
• Don’t forget to offer a drink - and put it somewhere high up if it is hot. The children should be offered a drink of water as well in an appropriate cup.
• Make sure your evidence file / parents folder is professional and give parents time to browse through it before they ask questions.

Don’t forget to put your own safety and the safety of the children in your care first! Speak to parents on the phone and ask them questions - get a feel for them and if you are at all unsure organise the first meeting at a mutually convenient coffee shop or toddler group.

Please add your best interview tips to the thread