Hi everyone! My name is Rachel. I am an experienced primary school teacher and have decided to focus my knowledge and attention on a small, private early years setting - The Little Jungle.

The Little Jungle is family-run by myself and my sister Becky. We focus on learning through creativity, exploration, discovery and play. Our aim is to develop a sense of awe and wonder in each child and promote enthusiasm for learning, as well as embracing each child's personality and encouraging them to grow into confident little people.

The Little Jungle is a unique setting, combining the home from home comfort of a childminder, with the experience of an early years teacher.

We provide home made, healthy meals as well as weekly local outings, daily stimulating activities, both indoor and outdoor and half-termly trips, all included in our fees.

The Little Jungle is in a quiet cul de sac, very close to Crayford Station (about a 7 minute walk). We have a large garden with a dedicated play area as well as a large indoor play room.

We are registered with both Ofsted and the NCMA.

At The Little Jungle, we have just had our first Ofsted inspection and have been rated as good with outstanding features.

Here are a few things that Ofsted said:

"Children truly enjoy and achieve and develop excellent skills for the future."

"The childminder plans lovely experiences to support children in
making progress, based on their individual needs and interests."

"Children enjoy regular periods of outdoor play and outings, promoting active life styles and aiding their health."

To read the full report go to http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-.../CARE/EY422270