Coloured rice ideas
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  1. #1
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    Default Coloured rice ideas

    Any ideas what I can do with coloured rice and what areas of learning I could cover by doing so? I've colours the rice and it looks pretty(!) but looking for actual learning opportunities haha! Looking for inspirations!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    We love messy play here! You could cover soooo much learning with this one, it's best to tailor it to whatever your learning intentions for each child are. But in terms of general areas of learning, you've got:

    CAL: using descriptive terms, using imaginative language ("I'm making a cake"), following instructions ("Freddie, can you fill up the teapot with rice and then pour it into the yellow cup?"), generally using words and sentences, focussing their attention on the activity and the things you're saying about it, etc etc etc

    PD: using various sized spoons, scoops etc to lift, jugs to pour, tools to transfer, tweezers to pick up individual grains. Pretending to make dinner: do we know what foods we like? What foods are good for us? Etc etc

    PSED: Working together and adding to each other's play ideas, taking it in turns, being special helpers to set out the activity and tidy away etc etc

    MATHS: Use cups in various sizes- compare size, volume, weight. Counting out spoons.

    LIT: Either use the messy tray and its items as props to support a story that you already know/are learning about, or use it to help you make up a new story from scratch. Make marks in the rice with fingers, sticks, paint brushes.

    UW: add small world models to tray, or mechanical toys with pulleys etc. Pretend to make a particular meal that their family eats a lot together at home.

    EAD: Use the rice to make shakers, then make music. Explore the sound of the rice being sprinkled into the tray, then into a saucepan etc. Mix different colours together, see if the overall "look" changes. Again, make up scenes or stories, such as a birthday, make a "cake" with the rice, what could they use as candles? Can they sing the birthday song? Can they make up a silly version of the song?

    I could go on forever, these are just a few examples

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by redtiger21 View Post
    We love messy play here! You could cover soooo much learning with this one, it's best to tailor it to whatever your learning intentions for each child are. But in terms of general areas of learning, you've got: CAL: using descriptive terms, using imaginative language ("I'm making a cake"), following instructions ("Freddie, can you fill up the teapot with rice and then pour it into the yellow cup?"), generally using words and sentences, focussing their attention on the activity and the things you're saying about it, etc etc etc PD: using various sized spoons, scoops etc to lift, jugs to pour, tools to transfer, tweezers to pick up individual grains. Pretending to make dinner: do we know what foods we like? What foods are good for us? Etc etc PSED: Working together and adding to each other's play ideas, taking it in turns, being special helpers to set out the activity and tidy away etc etc MATHS: Use cups in various sizes- compare size, volume, weight. Counting out spoons. LIT: Either use the messy tray and its items as props to support a story that you already know/are learning about, or use it to help you make up a new story from scratch. Make marks in the rice with fingers, sticks, paint brushes. UW: add small world models to tray, or mechanical toys with pulleys etc. Pretend to make a particular meal that their family eats a lot together at home. EAD: Use the rice to make shakers, then make music. Explore the sound of the rice being sprinkled into the tray, then into a saucepan etc. Mix different colours together, see if the overall "look" changes. Again, make up scenes or stories, such as a birthday, make a "cake" with the rice, what could they use as candles? Can they sing the birthday song? Can they make up a silly version of the song? I could go on forever, these are just a few examples
    Thanks tedtiger, that's given me lots to think about :-)

  5. #4
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    Argh redtiger not ted!!!! :-)

  6. #5
    Join Date
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    Oooooo, I'm stealing all these ideas 😀

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