think these parents are going to be to demanding
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  1. #1
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    Default think these parents are going to be to demanding

    have had parents visit the other day, they want me to help teach their little boy English because their polish and they don't speak English at home but they speak it perfectly well.well they only want 3 hours a day mon-fri which isnt very long and its taking up a full time space also but this would bring in £200 a month and i really need the money . well they want to pick up at 12.30 which is our lunch time ,well i asked if he could be 1pm pick up instead because thats our lunch time n they said no to that, then they said their worried because my own daughter who 6 had a t-shirt on n their worried that their little one will get to cold at my house ?.i asked what do you mean and they said because i let children go around with just t-shirts on i replied by telling them my daughter dresses her self and if she gets cold she will tell me.then they started talking in polish between them self's which i thought was very rude (or is that just me),then they don't want him to play outside because its to cold. i said that we always have a play out side in the day n that he would have his coat on and hat but they really dont want him outside they even moaned about me having to do my sons nursery pick up. well my alarm bells in my head are saying that this family would be to demanding as they already want me to change our setting routine . they are due to start next monday but my head is telling me no make the call and tell them NO but then my empty purse is telling me yes

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    I would take it on but keep to the way I do things - maybe consider a shorter notice period and remember if you do a 4 week settling in period you can terminate without notice during that time. Remember you are the boss and if they are not happy they can go elsewhere

    Good luck


  3. #3
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    That reminded me of a mum who questioned my nursery run for my son and how it would affect her little boys routine if he was asleep.

    Mindee would be taking up a full time place as well. I have had to turn away parents who want just 2 hours a day every day but only wanted to pay for those 2 hours.

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    Be careful as they should be happy to fit into your routine, what if you have another child whos parents want the opposite? Be straight from the start or you will regret it after a while. I wouldnt agree to no outside as its not fair on the others and Ofsted say children must have time outside etc and if they don't want to follow your way of doing things then maybe they need a nanny. Some things are ok to agree to but not if it affects everyone, like I have a boy who's not allowed suncream so hot days are a bit different with him. Then he's always wrapped up warm even when its warm out but they dress him in what they want him to wear, as as long as i feel he's not hot its fine. Hope it works out.

  5. #5
    Pipsqueak Guest


    I would proceed with caution here- regardless of whether you need the money.

    Yes I find it rude that they started talking in the own tongue in front of you.

    I would lay it down to them that this is how you do things and they are more than welcome to go elsewhere. No amount of money would convince me now to take on clients that I got 'that' feeling from nowadays

  6. #6
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    Hi I agree with Chirstine you are the boss

  7. #7
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    I can see the problem with this family will be that everytime the child is ill, you will get the blame for it because you let him outside.

    Are you having settling in sessions before the child starts properly? If not, get the parents back in, or email them with confirmation of how you will be handling their concerns.

    Tell them that you will be taking the children outside & that you will make sure mindee has on appropriate clothing. You will be doing a nursery run and again, their son will accompany you & will be dressed according to the weather. As for collecting at 12.30, are you supposed to give mindee lunch before then? I would either say that mindee will have lunch at X o'clock. If he has not finished eating when they arrive they will have to wait in the car (so as not to disturb everyone) until he has finished, or you will not provide lunch, but as the other children will be eating and needeing your attention, they will have to leave straight away with mindee & not stand around chatting.

    Be firm about it. It is your business, and while you follow parents' wishes where possible, it doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards to accomodate them. If parents aren't happy, they will have to look elsewhere, but it looks like they want a minder who will put their son first, above any other children, and that's not likely to happen.

  8. #8
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    You cant run your business round one child. State to them clearly your routine and how you work and thats how it stays!Have a 4 week settling in period and any doubt or trouble you can terminate without notice.
    ***** proofed the house but they're still getting in!

  9. #9
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    I'm in agreement with everyone else. I would probably take this on as i wouldnt want to turn down the money but proceed with caution.

    If they are collecting at 12.30 they can give him his lunch at home.
    I will take him outside appropiatley dressed.
    I agree too that it was rude to speak in Polish in front of you when they speak English well.
    I would be sticking to my normal routine.

    Try it for the 4 weeks and see how you get on. any aggro and i would let them go.

  10. #10
    amirose Guest


    Its funny that you mention them being polish then mention about them worried about their little one being cold. My friend has two polish parents (friends) and they are both the same. The children have a lighter summer hat and scarf (which has always seemed really strange to us!) as well as a winter one. The health care is very very different in Poland so much so that one of these mums has been known to take her child back to Poland to be seen by a doctor as she she isn't happy with the health care she received here. Just an interesting observation really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by amirose View Post
    Its funny that you mention them being polish then mention about them worried about their little one being cold. My friend has two polish parents (friends) and they are both the same. The children have a lighter summer hat and scarf (which has always seemed really strange to us!) as well as a winter one. The health care is very very different in Poland so much so that one of these mums has been known to take her child back to Poland to be seen by a doctor as she she isn't happy with the health care she received here. Just an interesting observation really.
    Ive got a Polish baby 10mth an apart from dressin her in an extra layer sumtimes family is brilliant. mindee had a cold this week, mum say "its ok, no worries" just give her calpol if needed (didnt need 2) mum came 2 collect on friday with a box of tissues 2 replace any i may of used this week!! Mums english is not the best but we manage and if ever stuck I speak 2 dad who speaks better english.... I have offered 2 learn a few phrases 2 help lo but they have said no we want her 2 speak english xx

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    I would listen to your instincts!

    I only have one (very part time), part timer but have just turned down a full timer as I found the parents, in particular the dad, difficult and even though I nearly did it because of the money I decided it just wasn't worth the inevitable hassle.

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    We have a two year old Polish girl, she ALWAYS has tights on under her trousers... even when it was warmer!

    Used to have a Polish boy many years ago, and he also ALWAYS had tights on under his trousers!

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    I would give it a go. Some parents are just very protective and it can take time to build up a relationship and for them to learn to trust you. If they make a request that you feel you can't accomodate take your time to think it through and then give your reasons why you can or can't meet their request. Always do what you feel is right (you can only be yourself) but give them your reasons in a calm and logical way, hopefully they will learn to trust you over time. Some of the best relationships with parents start out in this way, after all, their child is the most precious thing in their lives and as others have said you've got your 4 week settling in period so if it really doesn't work you can still get out of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tatjana View Post
    I would listen to your instincts!

    I only have one (very part time), part timer but have just turned down a full timer as I found the parents, in particular the dad, difficult and even though I nearly did it because of the money I decided it just wasn't worth the inevitable hassle.
    I agree with this - if you are doing something just for the money you'll probably end up hating it. Go with your gut instinct which is to say no, hopefully there will be something better just around the corner.

    Miffy xx
    Keep smiling!

  16. #16
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    I probably wouldn't take it on tbh , I have 4 full time polish children and 3 more polish part timers , infact all but 1 of mine is polish and I love it , and they are all the same regards dressing warm , my 4 full timers wear tights (boys) yet when you think its - 14 over there at mo you would have thought they would find it warm here
    But apart from that 3 hours over lunch time is really not good as next week you may have someone who want full time . But its easy for me to say that as I'm full
    H4H supporter 'per mare per terram'

  17. #17
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    Hi interesting post as was going to start one about polish mindees and help with their speech..will do that later now!
    I would stick to your routine to be honest, hard when the moneys there but it's your day. I look after polish twins and the parents do like others have said seem concerned about the cold and that they are wrapped up enough. Good luck do a 4 week settling in period you should have a good idea by then what it's like with you all. My parents speak polish infront of me at times and im clueless! they are lovely though!

  18. #18
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    if it doesnt feel right follow your gut more often than not your first instinct is the right one, i so wished i listened to mine on a few occassions, whatever you decide thought remember you are self employed, the boss, you tell them how you work not the other way round they dont employ you you provide a service xxx
    Love Mrs Edward Cullen x

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    I agree, if it doesn't feel right don't do it, I'm finding childminding a huge learning curve and have taken on 1 I wasn't sure about and am now finding it very difficult (was planning to post about it for advice and will later!) Wish I had listened to my instincts! Although I for the same empty purse reason took it on

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    Go with your gut feeling. I have done recently and am so relieved.


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think these parents are going to be to demanding think these parents are going to be to demanding think these parents are going to be to demanding

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