
I am updating my sef and having complete mind blank moment please help.

In section three - effectiveness of leadership and management under the topics the curriculum and you vision for the setting what have you all written?

Do I just write about the activities I do with the children under the curriculum and how this links into EYFS?

Also my vision section is very short does this matter ? I have just put - For my business to run to the best of my abilities and for all my children to be happy and thrive in their learning. I will do this through providing the children with a wide range of opportunities to play, explore, interact, and develop.
I will maintain my small numbers of two children day as this allows me to give them plenty of one on one time and really get to know the children and the parents love the fact their child is in tis smaller environment which is a home from home being cared for, loved and played with while they are at work.

Thank you for any help