Thank you so much Sarah, you must have mind reading powers to add to your list of many talents, I've never done the Ofsted SEF but have just logged on today to make a start........I will do it.....I will do it... I WILL NOW WITH YOUR HELP! xxx
Thanks for this document Sarah. Even though i dont do the actually SEF i do do my own self evaluation and these things will help me collate my thoughts together on my documents
Thanks for this document Sarah. Even though i dont do the actually SEF i do do my own self evaluation and these things will help me collate my thoughts together on my documents
Although the SEF is not compulsory we have heard many stories of inspectors turning up and saying they want to see it and won't accept anything else...
If you follow #ofstedbigconversation you will know that they want to engage with childminders....I am sure this topic will be on the agenda for clarification
I have my SEF ... then I add information to the end of each section with a date and what I have done.
When I tackle a job on my action plan I write it up and again add a date... when I go on training or do some CPD I evaluate it and add it with a date - so the SEF is always growing.
Every 6 months I put my updates online, keeping them on my computer as well just in case.
I got advised to keep all old info and start any new input with the date to show you change what/how you do things.
That sounds like good advice as the new inspection framework looks at a provider's 'history'...I assume we will have to retain some of the past practice in the SEF and show how we update it and drive standards up?
How often do you do a sef? Ja-Lula-Bell*****minding
I don't re-do my SEF but I do add to it regularly...
Every time I have been on a course, or changed or added something to my setting it all gets added in
Once you've done your SEF main body it will become easier to add to
Sarah x
Last edited by Bumble Beez; 22-10-2013 at 05:35 AM.
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