I wasn’t anxious at all but the more I read about risk assessments ( childcare.co) the more I’m getting anxious.

Can’t take child from parent?, water play- separate containers instead of water play table, wash throw that covers sofa everyday! separate place for the children’s bags, who has room to put all separately they usually go on pegs with name on.
spray everything that moves.... no sorry that was me.

What do you do when you go for a walk the children hold hands sometimes are they allowed now, going in double buggy together?. Sleeping usually travel cot and sofa , any different?

Am I allowed to hold child’s hand (their toddlers) pick them up, sit on my lap? Should I wear a mask at hand overtime’s?
Should the parent leave the child in my porch and back away out?

Those that have been open all the time could you give me some advice please. I think I’m going into melt down .