Hi there, there are a couple of posts in this subforum that are close to my question(s) but not completely and rather than hijacking an old thread I thought I would be better to start a new one.

I am current a childminding assistant with my wife (I have done the DBS, first aid, protect, safeguarding etc) and have been working with her since September 16. I only "look after" children over the age of 6 (by that I mean take to and from school). Following the 2 hour sole charge rule.

I have been recently asked by one of my parents of a 6 year old if I could possibly provide after school care for a child at their house (in a sort baby sitting capacity).
Now following the 2 hour rule this wouldn't be possible as an assistant. So my question is, would it be worth registering as a childminder outright for such things (and also it would give a bit more flexibility for parents, for instance if they are running late from work and it takes it over the 2 hours etc).

With my wife already being a registered childminder would I need to do the exact same courses as her bearing in mind I wouldn't be looking after EYFS years?
Would it also trigger another Ofsted inspection?

I don't mind paying the fees but if it would cause more problems to do it then is it worth it?
More other question on a off record type of way is how can "babysitters" be allowed to take care of children of any age without the Ofsted rules? Or is it a case if its cash in hand it doesn't matter. I am stumped by this as it seems strange that you can do it cash in hand as a babysitter but not as a qualified assistant childminder.