Child causing Migraines
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Child causing Migraines

    I’m a new childminder since I started up In January i have had a child who as severe autism, before and after school I have been able to manage her needs till June / July when she became extremely physical biting whole of my arm, hitting kicking, screaming and trying to be more physical to my daughter I’ve always managed to get the brunt of it before she does.
    In July before school holidays I had migraines mostly on Sunday’s which lasted two or three days.

    I don’t want to say I think the stress of this child is causing me painful migraines by my friends and family think it is.

    Should I admit defeat and give her a notice, I hate the thought of leaving the mother in this situation I just don’t know what to tell her!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Rule number 1:- Your health and well being comes first.

    If this child is causing stress and making you ill you have to pit yourself first.

    All you to say is there has been a change of circumstances and will no longer provide care for xxxx from this date.
    If you can put a list of any settings with vacancies and a link to
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    It's not defeat - don't be so hard on yourself.

    In a school/nursery setting there would be more adults around to help manage the outbursts in order to keep adults and other children safe - plus you would have scheduled breaks. Maybe a childminding setting it just not right for this child. x



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