Not sure if I have posted in the right place but Im sure you will move it for me if I have it wrong.

Did anyone else receive a letter about an Early Years Capital Grant, I rang my network coordinator about it today and apparently I can have up to £1,500 to spend on equipment and resources to help with EYFS, she said it can include things like laptops, digital cameras, camcorders, outdoor play equipment, indoor play equipment, buggies.

Part of the letter reads

What is the grant for?

The capital grant has been provided to:
1. Improve the quality of the learning environment in the early years setting to support delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), with a particular emphasis on improving play and physical activities and ICT resources.

2. Ensure all children, including disabled children are able to access provision

3. Enable PVI providers to deliver the extension to the free offer for 3 and 4 year old and to do so flexibly.

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible to receive this grant funding you must be delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage to be registered with Ofsted on the Early Years Register. In addition, to qualify for funding under item 3 above, your setting must be registered with the Families Information Servies to receive 3 and 4 year old funding.

That sounds like just about everyone to me.

love Elaine XXX