Hey all

This is my first post,
I have a child who I've had since I started in November and im friends with the parent.

I have had several discussions about the nearly 3 year olds behaviour when here, I know kids can be kids but my 1 yr old does not go on as bad as this child.

He cries (I mean screaming for about 20 mins) when he is told no, he does the same whilst out walking (his mum walks with him) only with me hes been on the ground having a tantrum outside as well

he is not interested in attempting to share he snatches toys off all the children which then results in time out situation

he has started biting his arm I advised mum

speak to his mum she just says its only here when I know its not knowing her outside of work

People have commented on the issue of the screaming when out and its embarrassing and I advised the mum last Friday it has to stop, she is not willing to work along side me to try and resolve the issues. Today I told him to put his shoes on which he does and he started screaming so she did it. I said I cant believe you have just done that for him and she advised he put his foot in

I feel like im hitting my head against a brick wall wth this parent and being friends is making it harder and the comments she is making saying as he broke toys I must not have been looking after him etc has really annoyed me. SHe is unhappy about my holidays as she cant get them off

I have 2 young children in my setting also and I don't think there parents would be best pleased if they pick this up, its actually putting me off childminding if im honest.

Ive made the HUGE LEAP to terminate the contract ... do I need to list the reasons fro termination?
