I've just been looking over and revising some of my forms, and realised that I'm asking parents to give permission for emergency advice/treatment/assistance at least 4 times...1) on the Child Record Form,2) on my own Accident/Emergency policy 3) on my general permissions form , and 4) in the Accident/Incident record book individual section.
The same thing is happening (to a lesser extent, though) re administering medicines.
I'm using all the PACEY forms/contracts etc and I'm wondering if the Child Record Form is the only one I really need re Emergency treatment, and the one in the Accident/Incident book for medication etc?
On outings I carry a copy of the relevant child's signed Record Form, which shows info that might be required by the Emergency Services.
I'm sure I shouldn't be duplicating stuff, (but paperwork seems to have a mind of its own right now.)..does anyone have any view on this please?