It has been hectic here recently and therefore daily diaires have tended to get forgotton. I always have a big chat with the mindees' parents every evening about how the day has been, what they have eaten, naps and what we have been up to so if I run out of time to fill in diaries I don't overly panic as I know our 'chat' has been what I would have written!

Anyway, yesterday we had a Halloween outing and it was a very busy but very fun day. By the time all the mindees had gone and I had taken my own children out trick or treating and got them into bed it was 9pm and I hadn't even had my dinner! So the last thing I wanted to do was start completing diaries (mine are online). However, one of my mindees parents has questioned it this morning and asked me why the diaries weren't done. I explained but she looked a bit put out!

I was just wondering whether you guys did a diary every day???? I'm thinking of putting something in my newsletter about it but not really sure where to start