I received this morning a letter from Ofsted setting out about the 2 registers that we will have to go on.I will be on both and even though they said that The Department for Children,Schools and Families has not set the fee,this is a lie because on the Ofsted site it says in black and white that Childminders will be £100 and other providers £110,so unfortunately this has made my mind up for me and I will be giving up Childminding.What with all the extra paper work I feel that I am not giving my son the attention he deserves.And I feel extremely cross that I have spent all day and (supposed to be next Saturday) doing my First aid refresher course.
My Ofsted fee is due in July and the letter states the fee will be due on the date I pay my current fee,so does that mean I pay the £14.00 in July then £100.00 in July 2009.Or does it mean £100.00 this July,even though the EYFS doesn't start until September.Sorry to harp on but I am so cross £100.00 is a hell of a lot of money to Childminders.