Ofsted and sleeping upstairs
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  1. #1
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    Default Ofsted and sleeping upstairs

    Good evening

    Looking for some advice.
    As of September I will have 3 children under three years old who all have naps after lunch. Two of these children are mine though so have their own bedrooms with cots upstairs.
    My question is - can my two children take their nap in their own bedrooms and my mindee nap in a travel cot downstairs? Or do I need to set up 3 travel cots in my lounge so they are all downstairs?

    My concern is that Ofsted will not be happy with me leaving my mindee downstairs (in travel cot) whilst I take my two children upstairs. Also, how would I risk assess having children across 2 floors if there was a need for a fire evacuation?

    So confusing! Any advice greatly appreciated x

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Relax- it can be easy. Don't over think things! I have mindees sleeping upstairs and downstairs, in buggies and cots... it is all fine.
    You will work out the best way to get them all sorted out for their naps. Of course you can leave a mindee downstairs for a moment while you settle yours upstairs. As long as you can see OR hear them it is fine.
    I have had many combinations over the years- I might leave an older toddler with a book and toys at the bottom of the stairs within hearing for a few minutes while I take baby up to a cot. I leave a baby napping in buggy downstairs while I settle another in upstairs cot. I have baby monitors in upstairs rooms so I can be downstairs while they nap upstairs etc. It is all fine. Just get to know the children and their needs and it will work itself out.

    As for fire evacuation- You may have many possibilities, you could pop one in a buggy downstairs in garden or safe place while you run up to get others, or take all upstairs into a safe room and get help from window, shout for a neighbour to take one child while you run up for the others etc etc- in a true emergency you will find a way. You can not pre-plan every eventuality or you'll drive yourself loopy. Just be sensible and assess the risks. And learn some basic fire safety- like how to keep smoke out of a room, how to escape from a smoke filled room etc But to be honest, what is the risk you will have a house fire while minding...? Of course we have to think these things through, nothing is impossible, but keep it in perspective.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Great advice from moggy but also consider the mindee should be very safe in a travel cot, hazards removed of course, whilst you pop upstairs. Thinking ahead is risk assessing so well done.



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