So, Ofsted are coming next week......
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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by mookie View Post
    I sent a letter to Prospects and Ofsted. Prospets have said to deal with ofsted and ofsted had acknowledged it and have assured me they are dealing with it. It still hurts tho. Things she said and even the report has some damning things in it. Just horrid. Feel very down 😔
    Did you do the online complaint?

    I did mine, got an acknowledgement from Ofsted, then a follow up letter to say it had been forwarded to Tribal for them to investigate. It's all a farce really. They're hardly likely to disagree with their own inspector, are they?

    I'm sorry you're feeling so down about it all. I'm lucky that my report does read well, so I've no issue with that (well, other than the factual errors she's made). It has made it easier for me to get over, but I can fully understand how devastating it must be if the report isn't good

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    Hi mouse, I sent them the letter. Prospects said due to the nature of my complaint I should send it to ofsted. I then forwarded them a copy of my letter.
    The report is horrific. I use some, minimal, montessori methods, worksheets, dry wipe materials purchased from learning resources, use tracing paper etc...she said i was setting the children up 'for failure'. She complained that they children were 'too good' and it was a shame there wasn't a 'sen' child to observe.
    The report is nasty, rude, false and has some really horrid things in it....Trust me, I wouldn't short list myself as a possible childminder if I read the report

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    Quote Originally Posted by mookie View Post
    Hi mouse, I sent them the letter. Prospects said due to the nature of my complaint I should send it to ofsted. I then forwarded them a copy of my letter.
    The report is horrific. I use some, minimal, montessori methods, worksheets, dry wipe materials purchased from learning resources, use tracing paper etc...she said i was setting the children up 'for failure'. She complained that they children were 'too good' and it was a shame there wasn't a 'sen' child to observe.
    The report is nasty, rude, false and has some really horrid things in it....Trust me, I wouldn't short list myself as a possible childminder if I read the report
    oh sweetie, I want to press 'like' except I don't 'like', I just want to offer you support.

    best of luck with it all. big hugs xxx

  4. #24
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    So sad for you, how horrid. I really don't think some of these inspectors have any sense of how personally crushing their comments/assessments can be. Sending hugs xxx

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  6. #25
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    Oh No Mookie, how terrible. Only just read this!!

    I hate reading stuff like this Hope you're ok and I hope you can get a good outcome.
    Time Out.. The perfect time for thinking about what you're going to destroy next.

  7. #26
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    Thanks all. I'm embarrassed to say, one of her comments actually in her report was 'a child walked around aimlessly ' .... I know it sounds bad, and I promise this never happened. We were doing a superhero activity discussing what makes us 'super'. One of the children, a 7 year old very active lad, walks as he talks and I'm assuming that this was the incident she was talking about. He was saying that his super power talking very fast talking...This was the only thing I can think of. And it was only a little activity. She actually missed the activity where the children were cutting their bananas and shape matching their plates. (They also did cooking which she actually said I was at a 'GOOD ' rating at this point)
    This is one of her many negative remarks.
    I don't know what I did to make her dislike me. She made it clear that she didn't like Montessori and also certainly wasn't happy that my husband worked for me.
    As I'm sure you can tell, my grade was 'needs improvememt' which, if that is true, I would welcome any advice. However, her advice was to bring in a local outstanding cm to help or she could 'coach' me! I said no to both. Other than that, there was no advice, just complete negativity. One child was scared of her, a parent complained to me about her rudeness and I swear I'm telling the truth.
    I'm actually hoping they re-inspect me. Even if the grade stays the same but is a fair, honest and just inspection.
    Sorry to moan. Xxx
    Last edited by mookie; 09-06-2016 at 08:29 AM.

  8. #27
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    Sorry to hear it was a nightmare, you sound like you have done everything you can in the complaints procedure, but prepare yourself that this will stand for a while. Sarah 707 and others have been working tirelessly to bring forward next inspections for satisfactory/ needs improvement, so hopefully this will happen in the near future.

    I have supported someone through private, confidential arrangements, not the LEA, who has had two satisfactory inspections and she has really appreciated having a sounding board for her personal circumstances and has said that her confidence has improved which has enabled her to move forward in her practise. So, although you weren't happy with the inspector saying it, it might not be a bad idea teaming up with another childminder, a good or outstanding one that you get on well with. We wrote an action plan and how she was going to address the inspectors and her own issues, having someone to chat with about this is always a good idea. The LEA visit that followed two satisfactory inspections ( this may just be this LEA) was very positive, this is what she now shows prospective parents.

    You need to hold onto the good practise she saw and I expect in between the negativity, there will be more positives, but all you can see is the negatives at the moment.....look for them in your report and highlight them, it will make you feel better.

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    There was lots of negativity and it's an horrific report. The cm she suggested, I seriously question her practice and ethics so no, it wouldn't help.

    I know I'm sounding unreasonable, but I'm really not. Like u said, I would happily take on board any advice etc. I've only stated a few of the things in the report and what happened on the day.

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    Oh dear, wondered around aimlessly, this makes me so mad!!! What happened to being human beings not doings, learning through doing at your own pace, how does she define aimless? How does she know what his/her thought process was? Giving time to observe, think about and mull things over is sooo important, giving time and space??
    I had a child free ofsted visit, last minute family changed plans, I asked if she could come back when children here later the same day, so she made a phone call. I was told she had to do it then as they were so far behind with inspections. I must admit I was a bit peeved but also just wanted it out the way. So I only got a met, but reading some of the horrific stories about what minders have been through I'm thinking I got off lightly.

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    You're so right. Children are children for such a short space of time. I couldn't win. One child walked about a bit while we were talking so she said this but then told me that the children (all 7 of them!) were 'too good!'
    So sad. I know I'm taking this personally, it does make me question the whole inspection process and it's actual usage. Thanks tho x

  13. #31
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    Hi. Just an update. I've put in an official complaint. I was called yesterday and was told that whist it is being dealt with, due to it being a case of "he said / she said", that it will probably remain unresolved as nothing can be proven. I said this didn't seem fair bit she said that was procedure.
    So, I don't hold put much hope of a good outcome.
    I'm looking at returning to uni to complete teacher training. This has had a really negative effect on me and am quite saddened by it all really. I certainly feel let down and I feel that I've let the children I care for down.
    Thanks for all your support xxx

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    Sorry to hear what you've been through, can imagine how upset you are If you are not happy with the result of the investigation, you are allowed to escalate it further I believe, and that seems to be when things are changed with another inspection. I would concentrate on yourself whilst this first investigation takes place, hopefully a second one is not needed, but you need to feel secure in yourself to fight it further. Plenty of support here for you x

    Ps, you might want to edit your post containing your email address ;-)

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  16. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by mookie View Post
    Hi. Just an update. I've put in an official complaint. I was called yesterday and was told that whist it is being dealt with, due to it being a case of "he said / she said", that it will probably remain unresolved as nothing can be proven. I said this didn't seem fair bit she said that was procedure. So, I don't hold put much hope of a good outcome. I'm looking at returning to uni to complete teacher training. This has had a really negative effect on me and am quite saddened by it all really. I certainly feel let down and I feel that I've let the children I care for down. Thanks for all your support xxx
    Hi mookie, I'm confused that they said it will probably remain unresolved due to it being he said/she said as surely this is the case at any inspection Because only an inspector and you would be present. Are they saying no one ever wins a case?

  17. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by mumofone View Post
    Hi mookie, I'm confused that they said it will probably remain unresolved due to it being he said/she said as surely this is the case at any inspection Because only an inspector and you would be present. Are they saying no one ever wins a case?
    The only time a complaint is likely to be upheld is if the inspector has mad a mistake. Eg. if they mark you down for not having done the online SEF a complaint is more likely to be upheld because you don't have to it, so the inspector is wrong.
    Even then though it's still hit & miss. An inspector could say they did get it wrong, but that it didn't affect the actual inspection outcome. They will wriggle out of it whenever possible.

    My complaint was my word against the inspectors and I was told from the beginning that it probably wouldn't be upheld. I already knew that, but I wanted the inspector to know someone had stood up to her and I wanted to make her have to explain herself to her bosses. It gave me a sense of satisfaction to know I hadn't let her get away with it. I've spoken to a cm friend who has been inspected by her since then and it's obvious that she has made some changes based on my complaints. It might not have helped me, but complaint had certainly had an impact on how the inspector conducts herself - that in itself is a success!

    Unfortunately Mookie had a much tougher time of it that I did. I could put my experience behind me and carry on as normal. It's such a shame when a childminder has such a bad time of it that they end up considering leaving the profession

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  19. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    The only time a complaint is likely to be upheld is if the inspector has mad a mistake. Eg. if they mark you down for not having done the online SEF a complaint is more likely to be upheld because you don't have to it, so the inspector is wrong. Even then though it's still hit & miss. An inspector could say they did get it wrong, but that it didn't affect the actual inspection outcome. They will wriggle out of it whenever possible. My complaint was my word against the inspectors and I was told from the beginning that it probably wouldn't be upheld. I already knew that, but I wanted the inspector to know someone had stood up to her and I wanted to make her have to explain herself to her bosses. It gave me a sense of satisfaction to know I hadn't let her get away with it. I've spoken to a cm friend who has been inspected by her since then and it's obvious that she has made some changes based on my complaints. It might not have helped me, but complaint had certainly had an impact on how the inspector conducts herself - that in itself is a success! Unfortunately Mookie had a much tougher time of it that I did. I could put my experience behind me and carry on as normal. It's such a shame when a childminder has such a bad time of it that they end up considering leaving the profession
    What happened at your inspection mouse that you were unhappy with, are you able to say?

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    Thanks guys. I will continue with the complaint. Problem is, my report is now 'live' and already having a huge impact. Need to fill spaces soon and with the negativity in my ofsted report, it's seemingly impossible to attract new families. I'm happy if someone reads it and tells me their observations of it? Will also show my complaint letter etc if anyone thinks they could help?

  21. #37
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    The complaint has been dealt with....not upheld. 17 pages of bs. I'm heartbtoken.
    I've had enough and will be giving all parents notice this evening. I put my life into this business and am hurt beyond belief. I'm not putting myself through it again.

  22. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by mookie View Post
    The complaint has been dealt with....not upheld. 17 pages of bs. I'm heartbtoken. I've had enough and will be giving all parents notice this evening. I put my life into this business and am hurt beyond belief. I'm not putting myself through it again.

    Oh mookie I'm so sorry to hear this. Remember your parents and children haven't complained and they're the ones that matter?
    I don't understand how they can have said things that are so wrong and damaging, do you have evidence to the contrary (photos or anything?) that would help? Do you have parent testimonials? What did they think was so wrong? I can't see how they can get away with such a damaging report..

  23. #39
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    The inspector has lied. Yes I have evidence to prove her wrong. Yes parents are supportive. Every complaint where she can't get out of it, has been 'unable to reach a decision' and every other point, she has lied or they have backed her up. It really is sickening.

  24. #40
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    Sending you positive thoughts , I've no wise words , sorry for your bad feelings , I feel for you x


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