Quote Originally Posted by mookie View Post
I sent a letter to Prospects and Ofsted. Prospets have said to deal with ofsted and ofsted had acknowledged it and have assured me they are dealing with it. It still hurts tho. Things she said and even the report has some damning things in it. Just horrid. Feel very down 😔
Did you do the online complaint?

I did mine, got an acknowledgement from Ofsted, then a follow up letter to say it had been forwarded to Tribal for them to investigate. It's all a farce really. They're hardly likely to disagree with their own inspector, are they?

I'm sorry you're feeling so down about it all. I'm lucky that my report does read well, so I've no issue with that (well, other than the factual errors she's made). It has made it easier for me to get over, but I can fully understand how devastating it must be if the report isn't good