So, Ofsted are coming next week......
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  1. #41
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    I feel so upset for you. Sorry you have reached this decision. Best of luck to you.

  2. #42
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    The inspector has lied. Yes I have evidence to prove her wrong. Yes parents are supportive. Every complaint where she can't get out of it, has been 'unable to reach a decision' and every other point, she has lied or they have backed her up. It really is sickening.

  3. #43
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    You are full of anger and hurt, but giving notice to parents won't take away those feelings. You'll still feel the same, but you'll have the added heartache of having given up your business and the added guilt of having given notice to families who have been supportive and who don't give a stuff about Ofsted.

    Do you really want to allow the lies of one person to upset so many others? It's such a tough battle and I can completely understand why you don't have the energy or motivation to carry on childminding, but dig deep and see if you can find even the slightest spark of defiance and determination to carry on regardless of what some inspector says.

    You know you've got support here and from your families. Do you have local childminder friends you can call on for a morale boost? Take any support you can get and give yourself time to think about what you really want to do.

  4. #44
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    I agree with Mouse.. well said Mouse

    Have a long sit down and think about what you really want to do. The parents and children you have already are obviously happy or they wouldn't be with you, do they know how you're feeling at the moment?

    Ask them to write you some references so you can show new families. Whenever I have parents rounds I don't even know if they've read my report as it doesn't have my name on online, most never ask.

    I too was very mad about my inspection but you sound a lot worse than I was. I can understand how you're feeling as it does feel like a personal attack when negative things are said about a business that we run. Ofsted can help a great deal to raise standards but also they are driving hard working childcarers out of a business they love with their picky and negative ways. I'm not a fan of them and hope to stop childminding before my next inspection is due in 4yrs.

    Don't do anything you have anything else you can go into? Make sure you have work before you give notice as your anger will leave you with no income and then you'll feel worse.

    Hugs to you and we are here for you to bounce your ideas off
    Time Out.. The perfect time for thinking about what you're going to destroy next.

  5. #45
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    Good advice from Mouse - take time to think about it.

    You set off into this inspection feeling you wanted to give up .....I'm wondering if deep down this is what you have been thinking for a while and the inspection has tipped the balance.....but you still should take time to think today.

    Work out the energy and enthusiasm you have v the next steps and your action plan to address the issues in your report.
    Remember if you know some points are not accurate then you put them in your action plan and tick youv'e addressed them straight away with the evidence you offered them in your complaint.
    You won't have too many steps to take to address the points if you have evidence you already do probably won't have much to do to look to an inspector that you have improved you already do it all!

    Good luck with your decision.

  6. #46
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    Mookie I really feel for you, I had this last time around (2 years 2 months ago) they were coming back within 6 months but never called, They finally called in August this year and said as I only had one child they would call again mid September.
    They called Yesterday!! She is coming later this week or early next.
    Ive already decided I'm giving up as I cannot go through this time and time again. My parents all know I'm finishing September 17 when i'll have done 20 years childminding.
    Im thinking I'm not going to mention this when she comes in case she thinks i have the 'cant be bothered approach'.

    Im not at all looking forward to it, i have 2 x 10 month olds (not together) and a 13 month old, none can walk all are new to me and are all quite hard work!

    Im sure ill be back with more questions later today!
    Last edited by clairelou; 01-11-2016 at 12:48 PM.
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  7. #47
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    I had this last year. I was downgraded as actioned on 2 things. My whole report was based on these 2 things( supporting EAL child and working with nurseries) everything related to EAL and that I was failing child's learning ( saw child 15mins) no note on the positives on others in my care. I complained they upheld grade but changed some wording but still looked bad. I had a call week before last ofsted. They're coming out this month. I lost all confidence and mojo in this job.

    However I've taken on 2 new children and one read report and said it had no reflection on me and happily signed x I'm up till 11pm most night checking and rechecking I've everything covered Ive made notes in case I get nervous. It's awful. Sending hugs xx

  8. #48
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    Thanks Its a small world, sending you hugs too, was hoping mine would be today, I just need it over with but as she said mornings its looking unlikely today.
    Hope yours is soon over too.
    My last one was my fist aid that ran out the day she came and the new course was booked a few weeks ahead, my whole report showed how I didn't keep up to date with legislation and ensure children health and safety. its finished me off now, 17years id had an in date certificate and it was out for 4 weeks, did they think i would forget what to do?
    There were no courses available and i had evidence to prove id looked within a 50 mile radius of my house for the 6 months before.
    Owners of a lovely 2 bedroom holiday cottage

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by clairelou View Post
    Thanks Its a small world, sending you hugs too, was hoping mine would be today, I just need it over with but as she said mornings its looking unlikely today.
    Hope yours is soon over too.
    My last one was my fist aid that ran out the day she came and the new course was booked a few weeks ahead, my whole report showed how I didn't keep up to date with legislation and ensure children health and safety. its finished me off now, 17years id had an in date certificate and it was out for 4 weeks, did they think i would forget what to do?
    There were no courses available and i had evidence to prove id looked within a 50 mile radius of my house for the 6 months before.
    Bless you. Hope you get it over and done with soon.. I'm a wreck I get so nervous so I have done sheets for each file explaining what I do, how I gather information, how I handle situations basically as much information as possible. So I don't have to talk much and get flustered when playing with the children. I seriously feel it's how they feel on the day and who you get. Mine owned a nursery so sure they felt my settings wasn't good enough - no posters plastered everywhere, play room etc. It's only a small house but enough resources and the children cared for. Home from home. I Googled their nursery and they have someone for sen someone for EAL someone for first aid. Basically someone for everything where we have to cover everything ourselves.

    Let's us know how you get on. Sorry it's got to you and you've decided to give up. However if mine doesn't go well I may be going too. I've done so much paperwork and turned things around so much around since last year. Xx sending hugs x


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