Ofsted inspector?
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    Default Ofsted inspector?


    I recently had my ofsted inspection and Im trying to find the name of the inspector I had as can only remember her first name. Is there any way I can find her full name?

    Thank youx

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    Quote Originally Posted by It's a small world View Post

    I recently had my ofsted inspection and Im trying to find the name of the inspector I had as can only remember her first name. Is there any way I can find her full name?

    Thank youx
    Phone Ofsted? I'm also assuming you haven't received your report yet as their name will be on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MOH View Post
    Phone Ofsted? I'm also assuming you haven't received your report yet as their name will be on it.
    No I haven't want to query something . Thank you x

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    She is likely to work for either prospect or tribal - I suggest you give them a call x

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    Quote Originally Posted by sarah707 View Post
    She is likely to work for either prospect or tribal - I suggest you give them a call x
    If I wanted to speak to them about my inspection . Not make a complaint but comment on something would I contact ofsted or the other company. Basically I was given an action for not showing support to a family with a child under EAL. Parent wants me to speak English and they will speak home language at home. I have struggled for months to try and find resources to help child but had no luck. Even parent has said they have struggled to find resources in their home language. I am gutted that with this ONE action my grade was marked down from Good to Requires improvement. Other childminders in my area have had fantastic inspections and I know they do not do half the paperwork or activities etc that I do yet they re getting good or above. I feel like I have failed as a childminder even though all other areas were good or above.
    Anyway to comply with action parent and I have devised various word cards and I have purchased picture/first word cards etc and parent has translated them for me. I have even contacted several people who have said that home language is not available in their resources.
    Long shot and probably wont make a difference but wondered if I explain to ofsted how difficult it is to get resources and that parent wants me to speak just English etc but we have managed to sort something out between us whether they would note something on my report. Amend to good or re inspect me. This has really knocked my confidence and Im on a downer because of it as other cms in my area getting better grades . I am feeling really low at the moment as I know if I didn't have an EAL child my grade would've been good as inspector said because of this one area I am actioned and that Requires improvement is my grade. Don't get me wrong I really care for this child but feel my grade was unjustified even though its a requirement.

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    How long ago was your inspection? Is it online yet?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    How long ago was your inspection? Is it online yet?
    Last Thursday . I appreciate that I may not support enough but hard to get resources , parents wants me to speak English with them and despite this we have devised cards between us. Like I said just this one area and im down graded. Depressing when other cms ask me how I got on and then I hear their grades and know that they don't do all the paperwork or interact with children but because on the day they do everything they should do they look good and get better grades. Its depressing and I just want to cry all the time Especially as I know all other areas were good x

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    From what i remember they usually email you the next day with a rating form....that should have the name on

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    Hi please do tell Ofsted if you feel it's not right. I was down graded and given actions, even though my report was great. I complained to Ofsted. After a good few weeks of sleepless nights etc, I was contacted by Ofsted, the inspector hadn't carried out the inspection properly, all the actions removed and given the Outstanding she was going to give me. Needless to say, since my inspection I've had enough of Ofsted, paperwork and the fear of not 'doing enough' that I'm stopping childminding and when I tell Ofsted I have no children on roll I will tell them exactly why.


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    Quote Originally Posted by bluechair84 View Post
    Hi please do tell Ofsted if you feel it's not right. I was down graded and given actions, even though my report was great. I complained to Ofsted. After a good few weeks of sleepless nights etc, I was contacted by Ofsted, the inspector hadn't carried out the inspection properly, all the actions removed and given the Outstanding she was going to give me. Needless to say, since my inspection I've had enough of Ofsted, paperwork and the fear of not 'doing enough' that I'm stopping childminding and when I tell Ofsted I have no children on roll I will tell them exactly why.

    So sorry you've gone through this but well done on standing up for your beliefs. Who do I contact? Would you do it as a complaint? My report hasn't been published yet as was only last Thursday, but since then I've cried and everyone I've spoken to even though I may not have supported enough in EAL , knowing what my parents wishes were and knowing that all other areas were good feel that I have been treated wrongly being down graded because of one area.
    I wish I could give up but this job works around my family.
    I sometimes think maybe I do deserve to be downgraded as haven't fulfilled the requirements but then think well all other areas were good , had my other areas not been good then I could understand , but she even said couldn't fault my safeguarding etc. She was lovely it was only after I started to take everything in that she said and realised Id been downgraded. Crying now as so guttted I'm not even asking for outstanding just the good that I feel I deserve.
    Good luck for the future and thanks again.xx

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    Quote Originally Posted by It's a small world View Post
    So sorry you've gone through this but well done on standing up for your beliefs. Who do I contact? Would you do it as a complaint? My report hasn't been published yet as was only last Thursday, but since then I've cried and everyone I've spoken to even though I may not have supported enough in EAL , knowing what my parents wishes were and knowing that all other areas were good feel that I have been treated wrongly being down graded because of one area.
    I wish I could give up but this job works around my family.
    I sometimes think maybe I do deserve to be downgraded as haven't fulfilled the requirements but then think well all other areas were good , had my other areas not been good then I could understand , but she even said couldn't fault my safeguarding etc. She was lovely it was only after I started to take everything in that she said and realised Id been downgraded. Crying now as so guttted I'm not even asking for outstanding just the good that I feel I deserve.
    Good luck for the future and thanks again.xx
    Phone Ofsted and ask for advice on how you can appeal against your grade. If you can prove to them that you worked in partnership with the child's parents and they were adament that they wanted you to speak english first and foremost, then surely you are fulfilling the child's developmental needs as discussed with his/her parents. Each child is unique and so are their needs. If the parent wants you to concentrate on English then get this across to Ofsted.
    Fight your corner.

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    Thank you for all your support everyone. I will speak to parent tomorrow and get them to write a letter stating they wish for child to learn English and were happy to continue with home language at home. Will also get them to note that we are now working together using home language in my setting even though this is not what they originally wanted. that way Ofsted can see that I was fulfilling parents request . Thank you hopefully I can turn things around. I happy to incorporate a little home language but feel its asking too much for me to learn childs language when parent wants English taught. Thank you x most appreciated.

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    Quote Originally Posted by It's a small world View Post
    Thank you for all your support everyone. I will speak to parent tomorrow and get them to write a letter stating they wish for child to learn English and were happy to continue with home language at home. Will also get them to note that we are now working together using home language in my setting even though this is not what they originally wanted. that way Ofsted can see that I was fulfilling parents request . Thank you hopefully I can turn things around. I happy to incorporate a little home language but feel its asking too much for me to learn childs language when parent wants English taught. Thank you x most appreciated.
    So sorry to hear this. May I ask what language the issue was with?
    Let us know how you get on as someone recommended make sure you fight your corner. Good luck :-) xx

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    Quote Originally Posted by bluechair84 View Post
    Hi please do tell Ofsted if you feel it's not right. I was down graded and given actions, even though my report was great. I complained to Ofsted. After a good few weeks of sleepless nights etc, I was contacted by Ofsted, the inspector hadn't carried out the inspection properly, all the actions removed and given the Outstanding she was going to give me. Needless to say, since my inspection I've had enough of Ofsted, paperwork and the fear of not 'doing enough' that I'm stopping childminding and when I tell Ofsted I have no children on roll I will tell them exactly why.
    Oh my goodness, well done for following up with them. How did they come to the conclusion that the inspection hadn't been carried out correctly? That's dreadful to think there are inspectors not doing their job properly :-( xx

  17. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by mumofone View Post

    So sorry to hear this. May I ask what language the issue was with?
    Let us know how you get on as someone recommended make sure you fight your corner. Good luck :-) xx
    Inspector said I don't support as don't use cards/ visual aids or speak child's language - latvian. Even parent struggled to find resources to help. When playing with mindee I talk to them and say what we are playing with and hold it up etc ie- ball, doll, book - point to pictures in book and so on. Same with food I say what it is - toast, yoghurt, Milk etc so they know what it is. But from how inspector came across it was as though I had to learn latvian! Even though parent wants me to speak English. Child has come on so much since being with me. Never attended any social, groups, mixed with others, got upset when people went near them. Now they play happily majority of the time. Socialise with other children in my care. Surely this child's development and self awareness, making relationships etc is just as important but this didn't seem to make a diff. I don't support in home language 😞 and had them for 9 months so should be doing something x got parent to write a letter stating they want me to speak English to mindee and that mindee has developed so much in the time they've been with me.

  18. #16
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by It's a small world View Post
    If I wanted to speak to them about my inspection . Not make a complaint but comment on something would I contact ofsted or the other company. Basically I was given an action for not showing support to a family with a child under EAL. Parent wants me to speak English and they will speak home language at home. I have struggled for months to try and find resources to help child but had no luck. Even parent has said they have struggled to find resources in their home language. I am gutted that with this ONE action my grade was marked down from Good to Requires improvement. Other childminders in my area have had fantastic inspections and I know they do not do half the paperwork or activities etc that I do yet they re getting good or above. I feel like I have failed as a childminder even though all other areas were good or above.
    Anyway to comply with action parent and I have devised various word cards and I have purchased picture/first word cards etc and parent has translated them for me. I have even contacted several people who have said that home language is not available in their resources.
    Long shot and probably wont make a difference but wondered if I explain to ofsted how difficult it is to get resources and that parent wants me to speak just English etc but we have managed to sort something out between us whether they would note something on my report. Amend to good or re inspect me. This has really knocked my confidence and Im on a downer because of it as other cms in my area getting better grades . I am feeling really low at the moment as I know if I didn't have an EAL child my grade would've been good as inspector said because of this one area I am actioned and that Requires improvement is my grade. Don't get me wrong I really care for this child but feel my grade was unjustified even though its a requirement.
    You will have the opportunity to raise any worries once you get your inspection report...but you have to act fast if you feel you want to raise a 'complaint'
    You should also have been given a feedback form to send back to either Prospects or Tribal...put your concerns in there.

    If you have received RI Ofsted will inform your EY team and they will be duty bound to support you.

    If you have any child with additional needs....although EAL is not an additional need...but you can do with the EY team giving you support so that child gets to schools with some improvement in the language

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Simona; 05-11-2015 at 10:09 AM.

  19. #17
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    I would always worry great complaining would backfire and you may get downgraded even more or get a worse report as a result

  20. #18
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by mumofone View Post
    I would always worry great complaining would backfire and you may get downgraded even more or get a worse report as a result
    I am afraid that is not correct...Ofsted have been aware in the past of outsourced inspectors making the wrong decisions and judgement...hence the reason OBC was created.

    It has worked and there are clear guidelines to follow when we are unhappy about an inspection.
    The EY team will support anyone needing to go through this procedures...the Ofsted guidelines on this are available and all cms should know what they can do if they feel they have been judged wrongly....it is based on facts and the actual report.

    You will not be judged even worse just because you raise a complaint...it depends on whether the complaint is upheld by Ofsted after investigations.

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    Sorry I didn't mean that you shouldn't complain either- just that I, personally would be nervous to.

  22. #20
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by mumofone View Post
    Sorry I didn't mean that you shouldn't complain either- just that I, personally would be nervous to.
    Judging by those who had to go through the experience it can be very stressing ...but...help is at hand.

    Your EY team would guide you as would a representing association if you belong to one.
    PLA has clear documentation on what we need to do and they would support us too!


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