Quote Originally Posted by funemnx View Post
It's been over 5 years since my last inspection so have been anticipating 'the call'. Prospects called Tuesday evening and the inspection was set for this morning at 9.30. I decided to go with the flow and didn't plan anything new as the children (17m and 24m) had been enjoying playing in the garden this week we went with that. We played with sand, buckets and spades, also animals/dinosaurs and vehicles went in there too. We added water yesterday so the sand was quite wet (great for sandcastles). I added more water and soon they were painting the shed with water and paintbrushes. I had snack quite late as they were having a grand time (11.00). After snack the children started playing indoors with Duplo, vehicles/car mat and dolls house. When the youngest got fractious I read stories and then had lunch. Mrs O left at 12.15.

The feedback I got was that I needed to tighten up LJ's (they weren't completely up-to-date) and and overall good! I'm happy because I've only ever had satisfactory before due to paperwork (I'm useless at paperwork)

She was a very lovely lady who made me and the children feel relaxed - the children are wary of adults they don't know so I was worried, hence sticking to what they liked! She din't seem bothered to look around the house, or risk assesments/variations but did check my policies had been reviewed recently and asked safeguarding questions which I was expecting.

Time for WINE!!!!

Hi, well done on your inspection, I've got mine coming up in a couple of weeks. I've been asked to plan an activity, where you not??
Lucy x