...I had been caring for this particular family for two years and one of the children was particularly challenging. They resented being at a childminder and thought they were old enough to be left at home (11yrs). I had many discussions with parent re this but was told it was the child's hormones kicking in and that they needed to be cared for. An incident happened between this child and my own 9yr old which resulted in an immediate termination of contract. I explained to parent why I had taken this decision and she collected both children that evening saying that if one had to go then they both went. On this day I informed Ofsted of incident and said that they may receive a complaint from parent due termination of contract. Fast forward a week and parent is at my door handing me a letter and saying that it was nothing personal. Inside the letter she attacks my family, questions my ability as a childminder and states she is forwarding her letter and mine to ofsted. On this day I inform pacey, my local lado contact and ofsted. Fast forward 4 weeks and I get a call from ofsted stating due to the complaint I had raised and as I was due for an inspection they would coming to visit. The following day Ofsted arrive at my door and a full inspection took place (new regulation for complaints in that if you have one then instead of them just looking into the complaint, you now have a full inspection as well). This also happened to fall on a day whereby I had a new 13 month old starting. Now the information...if you have any concerns re a child's behaviour take time out and write it up, if you have a disgruntled parent who is likely to complain to Ofsted inform them ASAP, if an allegation is made against you or an assistant inform you lado contact ASAP. I am now awaiting my report (delayed due to christmas break-this happened at the beginning of dec). The best part of this story, the parent hadn't made a complaint, Ofsted never received her letter which she clearly stated in her letter to me she'd be making a complaint. The reason Ofsted had come out was because I had informed them and was overdue an inspection.