All Early Years Inspections to be carried out by July 2012?
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    Default All Early Years Inspections to be carried out by July 2012?

    In another thread about how you will be inspected if you have no children on role, this piece of info has come to light and I thought it worth having its own thread:

    "Legislation requires all providers registered at 1 September 2008 on the Early Years Register to be inspected by 31 July 2012.
    Providers registered after 1 September 2008 must be inspected within the period of three years beginning with the 1 August following the date of the provider’s registration on the Early Years Register"

    I'm wondering if there will be a rush of inspection to fit them all in between now and July 2012
    Pauline x

  2. #2
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    I think there that there will be....
    Blaze x

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    Hopefully they will be sooooo busy that they'll be in and out in an hour...YES

  4. #4
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    Hi pauline,i was registered 14 months ago!does that mean i could have to wait another two years before my first inspection?I just want to get it over with now! thanks jake

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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Hi pauline,i was registered 14 months ago!does that mean i could have to wait another two years before my first inspection?I just want to get it over with now! thanks jake
    Have you not had a full first inspection yet? They are usually carried out within the first 6 months.
    Pauline x

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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    Hi pauline,i was registered 14 months ago!does that mean i could have to wait another two years before my first inspection?I just want to get it over with now! thanks jake
    I was registered in September 2009 and am still waiting for my first full inspection after my original inspection coincided with my Father dying. Ofsted said they'd get back to me after a while and I'm still waiting despite ringing them 2 or 3 times!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wend View Post
    I was registered in September 2009 and am still waiting for my first full inspection after my original inspection coincided with my Father dying. Ofsted said they'd get back to me after a while and I'm still waiting despite ringing them 2 or 3 times!
    So am I right in thinking you don't actually have a grade?
    Pauline x

  8. #8
    Penny1959 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Pauline View Post
    In another thread about how you will be inspected if you have no children on role, this piece of info has come to light and I thought it worth having its own thread:

    "Legislation requires all providers registered at 1 September 2008 on the Early Years Register to be inspected by 31 July 2012.
    Providers registered after 1 September 2008 must be inspected within the period of three years beginning with the 1 August following the date of the provider’s registration on the Early Years Register"

    I'm wondering if there will be a rush of inspection to fit them all in between now and July 2012
    This is my understanding Pauline - they have to complete the inspection cycle - so yes there will be a rush - any time now!


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    I thought they had to complete the cylce within 3 yrs, but it must be 4 then? I know there was a rush on here in the summer getting inspections done. Some people were told they had to be done by Sept this year, but others were told they'd be left & done next year. It didn't make much sense to me then & it still doesn't now

    My inspection should be early next year, but as I've already been inspected under EYFS, I'm guessing it could be any time between now & never

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    When I had my pre reg check in August I was told to expect an inspection in the new year. I only got registered this month.

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    I saw something on the Ofsted website that said that everybody must be inspected at least once in a 47 month cycle. The last cycle started sept 2008. So if you haven't been inspected since then I'd expect them.

    Also it said "at least once" so some could, in theory, be inspected twice.

    I'm going to assume those who got satisfactory at the start of the cycle might be seen again if they have time (ie Me! inspected 01/10/08) rather assume I'm going to be safe until 2012

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    Ok no idea wat they will do with me.
    Reg Jan '10 first call I had no children yet so told them 2mth later I had 2 in early yrs grp. Called back in Feb '11 to confirm I had children in early yrs
    I stopped minding march as ds and dd having problems.
    Took on an over8 school hols only
    Will be having my baby nephew from June/july 2012
    Hopefully another under5 part time Sep after that

    Will I get deregistered?

    What should I do ???

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    No iv not had my first inspection yet,but i had a bit of a rocky start with early years leaving after a short while so they said they would wait till i had early years with me during the day.Iv told them a few weeks ago that i have now got two in the early years but im still waiting!!

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    I know a childminder who has not been inspected since June 2007, even though there were actions taken against her from a complaint in 2008 (I think) and she has since moved house - not so much of a rush there then?!?!

    I am currently expecting my 1st inspection, and just want to be as prepared as I can be, so trying to get everything completely up to date and how I want it. Really should start my SEF though! LOL!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLadybirds View Post
    I know a childminder who has not been inspected since June 2007, even though there were actions taken against her from a complaint in 2008 (I think) and she has since moved house - not so much of a rush there then?!?!
    It's really odd how some people seem to slip through the net whilst others are inspected exactly three years after the last one and some, poor souls, have theirs early

    Miffy xx
    Keep smiling!

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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLadybirds View Post
    I know a childminder who has not been inspected since June 2007, even though there were actions taken against her from a complaint in 2008 (I think) and she has since moved house - not so much of a rush there then?!?!
    Moving house should trigger an inspection if she had a complaint against her name!

    When we moved they said that because I had been graded Outstanding they did not need to come out immediately but to do risk assessments on the new premises. I was already overdue an inspection but they still did not come out for 3 months.
    Pauline x

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    I've been registered since end of july but there's no work going on where i am, no children so far just a few enquiries. What happens with the inspection when you are not looking after any children??, i think i'm suppose to have one in january...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pauline View Post
    Moving house should trigger an inspection if she had a complaint against her name!

    When we moved they said that because I had been graded Outstanding they did not need to come out immediately but to do risk assessments on the new premises. I was already overdue an inspection but they still did not come out for 3 months.
    I only just got inspected last week after having moved here 18 months ago, and being a year overdue an inspection. It was the same last time I moved too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pauline View Post
    So am I right in thinking you don't actually have a grade?
    Yes, I've not had a graded inspection since registering despite working continually. I only have 1 before and after school for 2 days a week at the moment but will have another baby starting in the New Year!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wend View Post
    Yes, I've not had a graded inspection since registering despite working continually. I only have 1 before and after school for 2 days a week at the moment but will have another baby starting in the New Year!
    That will be why they haven't come out. They need you to have Early Years children on roll, they do inspect for older children as part of the Childcare Register but only a small percentage.
    Pauline x



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