I know how you feel, I had my inspection this time lasy year, exactly! school snowed off, last day of inspections before Xmas, mindees ringing in to say they were not coming due to weather, 10 am came and went no inspecter, door bell rings at 10.20, it was the inspecter, she had been involved in a car collision due to snowy conditions.

She told me she would start inspection but if the weather continued to get worse she would have to come back after Xmas

Luckly she was able to do the whole inspection in 2 1/2 hours, she told me that because I was so well prepared the inspection did not take too long.

I know it is annoying, but keep your chin up, the more you are prepared for your inspection the better, so no time wasted, its a horrible time of year to have an inspection, we missed out on loads of exciting things waiting in for it.