Well, Mrs O is visiting this week. My immediate reaction was 'finally' as I have been waiting for my first grading - registered in Nov 2013.
Calmly looked at Obs yesterday to get them up to date, but did family things too.
Got up early, calmly read inspection proceedure from ofsted, took DH a cup of tea, chatted about activities and jobs I would like him to do....all happy...visitors today, laughed with them about how many ofsted's I had had / had to front as HT , they told me "this will be a doddle compared" tried to agree but words wouldn't come out, jiggly feeling - they left.
Skyped son, " your not having a melt down this time then" was his comment ( I always appeared calm and collected but at home usually had a major meltdown at some point which my lovely men knew how to support - once I had to have a new tea set or I wouldn't have coped!) I laughed......but inside....
DH has sorted all my photos into files and put together a great slideshow showing all children and areas of learning ( photo hobby person so this was a relaxing task)

Husband says I should come down and have a sherry, appreciate the lovely fire that is glowing before dinner........
Uncontrollable hysteric rose up !!!! In my 10 minute meltdown I didn't know what my unique selling point was ( she said she would ask me this at the beginning of inspection- what makes me stand out above other childminders and then confirm it by observing!) why was I doing this when I could just be retired and visiting garden centres? I won't put up any more print in the environment, yes I should, no I won't! Why this week when the wind has battered the garden? I'm not replacing the odd sign that has been blown away, yes I will, no I won't I will just explain....yes I will. I don't know what to highlight in my SeF ( she said she I should highlight my improvements since last inspection before I told her it was my first. I said I could show improvements anyway and she said but you haven't had a grading so how can you ? Ugh because I self evaluate!) I could highlight....but I might waste my time if she's not interested as its my first? I will do it anyway, no, yes, no....yes.

DH " so is this the meltdown that you won't be having because you've done it loads of time and OFSTED have always said you are great then?"
Drink your sherry, look at the fire, it's calming, we'll go to a garden centre tomorrow if you feel the need ...but you can't have any new crockery and I will bring through some blinis I have made specially .....because I knew this would happen tonight"
That's why I love him.