got to tell you about my friends nightmare inspection (my friend is not on this forum and says she dosnt mind if i tell you all)

my friend was not really bothered about what grade she got but was hoping for a good

ok so here we go

inspector arrives all ok, friend asked for id and asked inspector to take of her shoes good so far lol.
inspector come into sitting room and sits down then comments about cat hair on her mat
children playing nicely with toys then the cat run in and drops a half dead mouse on the mat and runs off the children all start to cry and scream and the mouse runs off under the sofa that the inspector is sitting on . my friend stops the children crying and looks for the mouse by moving the sofa as she moves the sofa she finds a half eaten moldy banana. the inspector says yuck and looks away, friend finds the mouse which has now died under the sofa puts on some gloves and gets rid of it outside, comes in washes hands and carries on playing with the children.
snack time comes and goes well lots of happy children ate well with good manners.
after snack friend starts doing some drawing with the children when the inspector asked for a glass of water which she get for her while the children do their drawing, inspector askes lots more questions which go well BUT THEN inspector says she isnt feeling well and is going to go out for some fresh air, friend say ok and goes to unlock the door for her and cant find the key to the door by this time the inspector has gone green and my friend thinks inspector is going to be sick she askes her if she would like to go to the toilet but she says no just get the door open. my friend rushes round in a panic still trying to find the keys after about 5mins she finds the keys in the pocket inspector rushes outside and askes for a sick bowl friend now cant find a sick bowl and has to bring out the mop bucket by which time the inspector has been sick in her bush in front garden. my poor friend was gutted lol. anyway inspector helps to wash away mess and says she is going to leave and come back the next week to finish the other half of her inspection. poor friend has a whole week to wait before next part of inspection and worry about the mess of this inspection.

Inspector arrives friend askes her if she is feeling better she says she is
this time friend dosnt have any children so she sits down at the table so inspector gives her a good old grilling with lots of questions on safe guarding which goes ok ,then askes to see register which friend has forgotten to fill in for 3 days not good friend has other things asked for but had also not renewed her polices which were out of f date by 4 weeks.inspector is there for 1.45 mins then leaves telling my friend has has got satisfactory and she has been kind giving her that!
bless my friend it went really badly she is the first to admit she is rubbish at paper work but forgetting to fill in the register what a MUPPET, saying this she is really lovely with all the children and the children always seem very happy with lots to do she is a fantastic mother of 2 children and a very good friend to me, such a shame she made such a cock up of her inspection poor girl. she can now see the funny side off it and none of the mindees parents are a bit bothered about her satisfactory grade they all think shes great