Next steps - sharing good practice
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  1. #1
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    Default Next steps - sharing good practice

    Next steps prompts

    You can find information to feed into a child's next steps planning in all sorts of places. You can use…
    • Observations you have made about the child
    • Parent comments
    • The child’s ongoing interests
    • Information from other settings the child attends
    • Early Years Outcomes -
    • ‘What to expect, when?’ guidance –
    What to expect, when? A parents' guide | From pregnancy to children aged 5
    • Development Matters –
    • … and the child’s learning characteristics when thinking about what the child might enjoy doing next to support or extend their learning.

    Next steps planning should build on children’s experiences - they are a positive way of planning for future learning. Next steps planning should be flexible – if it’s not working or parents disagree or something else comes up you want to focus on instead you should pop it to one side and come back to it later.

    Next steps planning must be age appropriate – see this blog for more information –
    Sarah's Blog: Developmentally appropriate next steps - early years.

    Some words you might use to start off your next steps include…
    • Adapt / change / enhance environment to offer new opportunities for…
    • Adapt / change / enhance resources to accommodate...
    • Add resources to support…
    • Ask different questions such as...
    • Ask key worker at other setting about…
    • Ask parents to provide more information about...
    • At home why not try…
    • Borrow a fiction / non-fiction book about...
    • Build on…
    • Buy / borrow resources to enhance…
    • Celebrate … with parents
    • Challenge learning by offering…
    • Chat to other setting about…
    • Childminder to work on ... with child
    • Continue offering opportunities to…
    • Continue to support / work on / develop...
    • De-clutter to support...
    • Develop awareness of…
    • Develop imagination by...
    • Develop learning characteristic by...
    • Develop sharing / turn taking by...
    • Develop skills in…
    • Develop understanding by...
    • Differentiate planning to allow…
    • Discuss ... with parents
    • Do an experiment together to find out about...
    • During adult-guided activity watch / listen out for…
    • Early Years Outcomes suggests...
    • Enabling environments (Development Matters guidance) suggests...
    • Encourage involvement in...
    • Encourage child to...
    • Engage child by changing / adapting / offering…
    • Extend learning by...
    • Extend understanding by…
    • Focus on developing...
    • Follow interest in … by...
    • Follow up with activities to enhance / support…
    • Go on an outing to…
    • Improve / change group planning to include…
    • Listen to interactions during child-initiated play to watch out for...
    • Look up information about...
    • Make / borrow / buy a resource to…
    • Model language to develop understanding of…
    • Newly observed skill suggests we might try … next
    • Note how the child...
    • Observe again to watch for…
    • Offer opportunities to...
    • Offer support / further help with...
    • Plan activity at a different time of day to…
    • Plan adult led activity to develop...
    • Plan new outing to...
    • Positive relationships (Development Matters guidance) suggests...
    • Practice...
    • Provide new / different / additional experiences to…
    • Read books to enhance / teach / explain...
    • Reinforce by repeating...
    • Repeat activity to…
    • Repeat observation to note...
    • Retry activity using ... different resources / equipment
    • Revisit – book, game, activity – to further support learning…
    • Send a link about … home to parents so they can develop child’s learning
    • Share ideas with other setting to enhance / support / develop...
    • Similar activities will help develop...
    • Speak to the child’s other setting about...
    • Suggest parents try...
    • Supervise...
    • Support concentration by...
    • Support home learning by planning…
    • Support learning style by planning…
    • Support the child’s schema by planning...
    • Take child on an outing to explore…
    • Things we might try together include…
    • To extend concentration offer…
    • To develop learning try…
    • Try again with...
    • Use the garden to extend learning by…
    • Use more open questions to support…
    More ideas in this blog - https://knutsfordchildminding.wordpr...ded-questions/
    • Use … new words to extend vocabulary
    • Use the internet to research...
    • Visit the library to borrow a book about … to support learning
    • Watch a DVD / programme about...
    • ‘What to expect, when?’ guidance suggests…
    • Work towards a greater understanding of…
    • Write information to share with parents about…

    I hope that helps

  2. Likes lollipop kid, loocyloo, greenfaerie, Tink liked this post
  3. #2
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    Thank you Sarah x
    Cherry x

  4. #3
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    thank you ... always good to have some new phrases to use!

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Fox River with Michael Schofield
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    Thank you Sarah, that's really useful.
    ƸӜƷ* Hello Kitty *ƸӜƷ



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