so DO has got me really thinking about planning and has put it on my sheet to evaluate next time she comes (Oct)

so I have done a sheet for September planning
i have written down the children and what days/sessions they attend

free play
post office role play
train set
cars and garage
dolls and buggies
play kitchen
garden play
trip to park
playing with dog, rabbit

i have then broken down each activity to link to Eyfs and then gone onto individual planning and further broken down the activities to link to development matters for the their age/stage of development

i have added my focus for each one - sharing, taking turns, playing together

does this sound ok so far?

so my main thing this month is going to be writing letters, putting in envelopes, putting stamp on, posting in post box (that i made today)
so ive put this will cover: (to encourage working together, recognising letters, writing skills etc)
numbers - counting 1 to 10
shows skills in making toys work - play till
uses positional language - putting letters 'in' post box

drawing and writing letters
recognising their name
give meaning to work
use talk that objects stand for something - eg the post box

art and design
gluing, putting stamps on envelopes
being imaginative
use available resources to support role play

play in group
select resources
take turns

posting the letter
draw lines and circles
use equipment safely eg scissors
holds pencil between finger and thumb

talking about who they are posting their letter to
use of objects scissors etc
understand use of objects
recognising their name on envelope

im stuck?????????????????????

does this all sound ok? not enough? too much???? then i will do observations to link with the planning? TIA xx