I am finding that because i only have 1 3 year old mindee in the hols I am wasting time planning as when it's term time there is no time after school to get doing the themes/topics I have spent hours planning for.

My other full time mindee is only 1 so, I only plan for his interests so that's fine, but is it ok to just stop?

I would rather spend time with actually doing stuff the children want to do, ie follow their interest then spending loads of my own time planning for the whole year, when I find that we haven't covered half of it!!!

Also, should this be put on my SEF. That I've made a change and how it's benefiting the child??

Sorry for all the questions today. I seem to be having an overhaul of my whole business and I am determined I am going to make things easier for me and my family. I am spending way too much time doing things and I am now questioning who they have benefited